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From: Andrew Hyatt <>
To: Eduardo Ochs <>,
	Help GNU Emacs <>,
	Andrew Hyatt <>
Subject: Re: Programming Emacs visually with semantic triplets
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 16:56:51 -0500	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <Y8xEyKFWEhMVs/Zx@protected.localdomain>

These are interesting ideas.  In a sense, it reminds me of the relation of
editing in emacs, creating macros, vs elisp programming.  This is kind of a
way to get some useful functionality without programming.

What does success look like to you?  I suspect if you want to put an
interesting and cool showcase of these ideas out there, that's definitely
possible, and that may lead to interesting things.  However, I think tools
to create applications tend to be niche, and most users want to have
something immediately useful which can then be added to.  That's why I'm
going with a more app-driven approach to some of these ideas in ekg.

On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 3:09 PM Jean Louis <> wrote:

> * Eduardo Ochs <> [2023-01-21 13:40]:
> > Hi Jean,
> > do you have tools that show the Lisp code behind each button and that
> show
> > pretty-printed versions of the main data structures? Can you send us
> > screenshots of that? Some people - like me =/ - understand these things
> > much more easily when they see how a prototype was implemented...
> I create my tables semi-automagically, by using function:
> (defun rcd-db-create-table (table pg)
>   "Create TABLE with database handle PG."
>   (let* ((table (or table (rcd-ask-get "New database table name: ")))
>          (sql (format "CREATE TABLE %s (
>                       %s_id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>                       %s_uuid UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid()
>                       %s_datecreated TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT
>                       %s_datemodified TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
>                       %s_usercreated TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT current_user,
>                       %s_usermodified TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT current_user,
>                       %s_name TEXT NOT NULL,
>                       %s_description TEXT)"
>                       table table table table table table table table
> table)))
>     (rcd-sql sql pg)))
> Which takes care of nice structure, so each column name speaks about
> table as "predicates_uuid" clearly belong to table "predicates". This
> I have learnt from Gedafe:
> GeDaFe - PostgreSQL Generic Database Interface:
> And I keep following Gedafe design, as all of my stuff worked and will
> still work in Gedafe.
> For the concept of triplets, there are just few tables, one is
> "predicates".
>                                                     Table
> "public.predicates"
> ┌─────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────┬───────────┬──────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
> │         Column          │           Type           │ Collation │
> Nullable │                      Default                      │
> ├─────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼───────────┼──────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
> │ predicates_id           │ integer                  │           │ not
> null │ nextval('predicates_predicates_id_seq'::regclass) │
> │ predicates_uuid         │ uuid                     │           │ not
> null │ gen_random_uuid()                                 │
> │ predicates_datecreated  │ timestamp with time zone │           │ not
> null │ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                                 │
> │ predicates_datemodified │ timestamp with time zone │           │
>   │                                                   │
> │ predicates_usercreated  │ text                     │           │ not
> null │ CURRENT_USER                                      │
> │ predicates_usermodified │ text                     │           │ not
> null │ CURRENT_USER                                      │
> │ predicates_name         │ text                     │           │ not
> null │ '>>>UNKNOWN<<<'::text                             │
> │ predicates_description  │ text                     │           │
>   │                                                   │
> └─────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────┴───────────┴──────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
> Indexes:
>     "predicates_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (predicates_id)
>     "predicates_predicates_name_idx" UNIQUE, btree (predicates_name)
>     "predicates_predicates_uuid_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree
> (predicates_uuid)
> Triggers:
>     insert_username_predicates BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON predicates FOR
> EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION insert_username('predicates_usermodified')
>     predicates_moddatetime BEFORE UPDATE ON predicates FOR EACH ROW
> EXECUTE FUNCTION moddatetime('predicates_datemodified')
> Another one is "sobjects", which mean "subjects or objects", as why
> have it separate?
>                                                   Table "public.sobjects"
> ┌───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────┬───────────┬──────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────┐
> │        Column         │           Type           │ Collation │ Nullable
> │                    Default                    │
> ├───────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼───────────┼──────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
> │ sobjects_id           │ integer                  │           │ not null
> │ nextval('sobjects_sobjects_id_seq'::regclass) │
> │ sobjects_uuid         │ uuid                     │           │ not null
> │ gen_random_uuid()                             │
> │ sobjects_datecreated  │ timestamp with time zone │           │ not null
> │ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                             │
> │ sobjects_datemodified │ timestamp with time zone │           │
> │                                               │
> │ sobjects_usercreated  │ text                     │           │ not null
> │ CURRENT_USER                                  │
> │ sobjects_usermodified │ text                     │           │ not null
> │ CURRENT_USER                                  │
> │ sobjects_name         │ text                     │           │ not null
> │ '>>>UNKNOWN<<<'::text                         │
> │ sobjects_description  │ text                     │           │
> │                                               │
> └───────────────────────┴──────────────────────────┴───────────┴──────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
> Indexes:
>     "sobjects_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sobjects_id)
>     "sobjects_sobjects_uuid_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sobjects_uuid)
> Triggers:
>     insert_username_sobjects BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON sobjects FOR EACH
> ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION insert_username('sobjects_usermodified')
>     sobjects_moddatetime BEFORE UPDATE ON sobjects FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE
> FUNCTION moddatetime('sobjects_datemodified')
> The whole concept is based on UUID which is not a primary key, which
> is not relational database conformant, but it gives that way some
> flexibility.
> Then there is this table:
>                                                    Table "public.uuid2uuid"
> ┌────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────┬───────────┬──────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
> │         Column         │           Type           │ Collation │ Nullable
> │                     Default                     │
> ├────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼───────────┼──────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
> │ uuid2uuid_id           │ integer                  │           │ not null
> │ nextval('uuid2uuid_uuid2uuid_id_seq'::regclass) │
> │ uuid2uuid_uuid         │ uuid                     │           │ not null
> │ gen_random_uuid()                               │
> │ uuid2uuid_datecreated  │ timestamp with time zone │           │ not null
> │ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                               │
> │ uuid2uuid_datemodified │ timestamp with time zone │           │
> │                                                 │
> │ uuid2uuid_usercreated  │ text                     │           │ not null
> │ CURRENT_USER                                    │
> │ uuid2uuid_usermodified │ text                     │           │ not null
> │ CURRENT_USER                                    │
> │ uuid2uuid_description  │ text                     │           │
> │ ''::text                                        │
> │ uuid2uuid_subjects     │ uuid                     │           │ not null
> │                                                 │
> │ uuid2uuid_predicates   │ uuid                     │           │ not null
> │                                                 │
> │ uuid2uuid_objects      │ uuid                     │           │ not null
> │                                                 │
> └────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────┴───────────┴──────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
> Indexes:
>     "uuid2uuid_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (uuid2uuid_id)
>     "uuid2uuid_uuid2uuid_subjects_uuid2uuid_predicates_uuid2uuid_idx"
> UNIQUE, btree (uuid2uuid_subjects, uuid2uuid_predicates, uuid2uuid_objects)
>     "uuid2uuid_uuid2uuid_uuid_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree
> (uuid2uuid_uuid)
> How I see the issue at hand, that becomes enough to reference anything
> to anything.
> If I have table "people" with Eduardo entry there, it has UUID:
> EBD4E7DA-2321-4E1C-97CA-A7F659015AD6, and then I can either:
> - make new entry in "sobjects" and create new UUID holding Eduardo's
>   UUID: EBD4E7DA-2321-4E1C-97CA-A7F659015AD6
> - then I can tell "Eduardo" with underlying UUID, "is" as predicate,
>   "programmer" with "programmer" also having its own UUID
> That is stored in "uuid2uuid" table:
> Entry does not look human friendly:
> -[ RECORD 49 ]---------+-------------------------------------
> uuid2uuid_id           | 49
> uuid2uuid_uuid         | 764114e5-2d7a-4b9a-b1b0-a5719e6f3468
> uuid2uuid_datecreated  | 2023-01-21 19:26:17.890422+03
> uuid2uuid_datemodified |
> uuid2uuid_usercreated  | maddox
> uuid2uuid_usermodified | maddox
> uuid2uuid_description  |
> uuid2uuid_subjects     | fe54313c-7472-4498-a993-1b4ac949ff5c
> uuid2uuid_predicates   | 6effc368-b66c-4216-a230-6916e3bfdc70
> uuid2uuid_objects      | df35a22c-725e-4202-b79e-9ab4a147bff7
> Though that gives flexibility, as UUID does not need to reference any
> table in underlying database, it can reference any UUID, inside or
> outside of the database.
> There is more to implement. Functions are here:
> ;;; Semantic Triplets
> ;; This below is more fundamental function, it just creates new entry
> ;; and returned it's ID for further update. And it demands that all
> ;; entries have their default values, like if there is no name, the
> ;; name will appear as '>>>UNKNOWN<<<' which demands updating it.
> (defun rcd-db-table-insert-default-values (table db)
>   "Insert default values into TABLE with DB handle."
>   (rcd-sql-first (format "INSERT INTO %s DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING %s_id"
> table table) db))
> ;; This below is function to get the primary key of the entry by using
> ;; TABLE and UUID. I don't use UUID's as primary key as it is not
> ;; convenient, but many entries do have UUID to be searchable without
> ;; being referenced.
> ;; Below works because all tables have conformant format, like
> ;; "people" will have "people_uuid", and "people_id", and because of
> ;; the format, magic is possible just as explained in Gedafe
> ;; documents. It becomes possible to prepare the underlying structure
> ;; and to have EDIT, DUPLICATE, DELETE functions automatically in GUI
> ;; or Emacs interface, or WWW interface.
> (defun rcd-db-uuid-by-id (table id db)
>   "Return UUID for TABLE with ID and DB handle."
>   (rcd-sql-first (format "SELECT %s_uuid FROM %s WHERE %s_id = %s" table
> table table id) db))
> ;; Of course, as not to interfer with other modes, it is better to
> ;; create new mode, which can hold kew bindings. The text mode or
> ;; buffer is used as menu system with buttons, similar like Hypertext.
> (define-derived-mode rcd-triplets-view-mode org-mode
>   "RCD Notes Triplets View Mode"
>   "Semantic Triplets in RCD Notes")
> ;; This is new experiment, as I am tired of writing always different
> ;; function in key bindings, so I have decided to write always some
> ;; function, like in this case`rcd-triplets-add-new' which does
> ;; different job depending of the key binding.
> (keymap-set rcd-triplets-view-mode-map "a s" #'rcd-triplets-add-new)
> (keymap-set rcd-triplets-view-mode-map "a p" #'rcd-triplets-add-new)
> (keymap-set rcd-triplets-view-mode-map "a o" #'rcd-triplets-add-new)
> (keymap-set rcd-triplets-view-mode-map "q" #'quit-window)
> ;; This is only to add new "sobject" which is subject or object. But
> ;; the main triplet table named "uuid2uuid" above does not really
> ;; require table "sobjects" as it will accept any UUIDs, referencing
> ;; to other tables, or even to objects with UUID outside of database
> ;; space.
> (defun rcd-triplets-sobject-new ()
>   "Add new subject or object and return it's UUID."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((id (rcd-db-table-insert-default-values "sobjects" cf-db))
>         (name (rcd-ask-get "Add new subject or object: ")))
>     (rcd-db-update-entry "sobjects" "sobjects_name" id name cf-db)
>     (rcd-db-uuid-by-id "sobjects" id cf-db)))
> ;; In similar way, this function adds new predicate. There are
> ;; depending functions, like `rcd-db-update-entry'
> (defun rcd-triplets-predicate-new ()
>   "Add new predicate and return it's UUID."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((id (rcd-db-table-insert-default-values "predicates" cf-db))
>         (name (rcd-ask-get "Add new predicate: ")))
>     (rcd-db-update-entry "predicates" "predicates_name" id name cf-db)
>     (rcd-db-uuid-by-id "predicates" id cf-db)))
> ;; This is helper function to find last key pressed.
> (defun rcd-last-key ()
>   "Return last key."
>     (elt (seq-reverse (recent-keys)) 0))
> ;; This function is for adding entries, like objects or subjects,
> predicates.
> (defun rcd-triplets-add-new ()
>   "Add new subject, predicate or object.
> Function may be called interactively, or as part of key bindings.
> For last key `s' add new subject.
> For last key `p' add new predicate.
> For last key `o' add new predicate."
>   (interactive)
>   ;; I use here the helper function to recognize what was last key
>   ;; pressed, as not to mess to much with keymap settings. Rather I
>   ;; keep decision making in this function.
>   (let* ((key (rcd-last-key))
>          (new-id
>           (cond ((and (numberp key) (= ?s key)) (rcd-triplets-sobject-new))
>                 ((and (numberp key) (= ?p key))
> (rcd-triplets-predicate-new))
>                 ((and (numberp key) (= ?o key)) (rcd-triplets-sobject-new))
>                 ;; but if no corresponding last key is found, then I
>                 ;; offer to user choice what to add instead.
>                 (t (let ((choice (rcd-choose '("Subject or Object"
> "Predicate"))))
>                      (cond ((string-match "Subject" choice)
> (rcd-triplets-subject-new))
>                            ((string= "Predicate" choice)
> (rcd-triplets-predicate-new))
>                            (t (user-error "Cannot handle choice"))))))))
>     ;; And then the list of objects is re-displayed.
>     (cond ((and (numberp key) (= ?s key)) (rcd-triplets-db-list "sobjects"
> new-id))
>           ((and (numberp key) (= ?p key)) (rcd-triplets-db-list
> "predicates" new-id))
>           ((and (numberp key) (= ?o key)) (rcd-triplets-db-list "sobjects"
> new-id)))))
> ;; This is initiating the buffer with proper mode.
> (defun rcd-triplets-buffer (buffer)
>   (unless (buffer-live-p (get-buffer buffer))
>     (generate-new-buffer buffer))
>   (set-buffer buffer)
>   (erase-buffer)
>   (display-buffer buffer)
>   (rcd-triplets-view-mode))
> ;; Header function with buttons, you will recognize these functions
> ;; from previous discussion.
> (defun rcd-triplets-header-insert ()
>   (insert "\n      RCD Notes ⭐ Semantic Triplets\n\n  ")
>   (rcd-button-insert "[ADD]" (lambda (_) (rcd-triplets-new)))
>   (insert "  ")
>   (rcd-button-insert "[TRIPLETS]" #'rcd-triplets-list)
>   (insert "  ")
>   (rcd-button-insert "[SUBJECTS or OBJECTS]"
> #'rcd-triplets-db-list-sobjects)
>   (insert "  ")
>   (rcd-button-insert "[PREDICATES]" #'rcd-triplets-db-list-predicates)
>   (insert "\n\n"))
> ;; I have generalized this function to us both "subjects" and
> ;; "predicates", so it works, it lists the items in the buffer. And it
> ;; generates "[edit]" button to rename the object or predicate.
> (defun rcd-triplets-db-list (table &optional new-id)
>   (let* ((sql (format "SELECT %s_id, %s_uuid, %s_name
>                                      FROM %s
>                                  ORDER BY %s_id"
>                       table table table table table))
>          (items (rcd-sql-list sql cf-db))
>          (width (format "%s" (rcd-db-column-width table (format "%s_id"
> table) cf-db)))
>         (buffer (format "*RCD Notes: All %s for Semantic Triplets*"
> table)))
>     (rcd-triplets-buffer buffer)
>     (rcd-triplets-header-insert)
>     (insert
>      (rcd-report-underlined
>       (upcase table)
>       (with-temp-buffer
>         (while items
>           (let* ((item (pop items))
>                  (id (nth 0 item))
>                  (uuid (nth 1 item))
>                  (name (nth 2 item)))
>             (insert (format (concat "%0" width "d. ") id))
>             (rcd-button-insert
>              "[edit]"
>              (lambda (_)
>                (rcd-db-edit-entry table (concat table "_name") id cf-db)
>                (rcd-triplets-db-list table id)))
>             (insert " " name)
>             (insert "\n")))
>         (buffer-string))))
>     (cond (new-id
>            (goto-char (point-min))
>            (search-forward-regexp (format "^%s. " new-id) nil t))
>           (t (goto-char (point-min))
>              (forward-line 3)))))
> ;; This is extensible function, for now it looks for the name in 2
> ;; tables like "sobjects" or "predicates", or if name is not
> ;; available, it constructs name of the full triplet. There is more
> ;; work to do, as if UUID belongs to people, then person's name shall
> ;; appear, if it belongs to document, document's name should appear,
> ;; and so on for many other tables in the database.
> (defun rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid (uuid)
>   (let* ((find-uuid (lambda (table uuid)
>                       (rcd-db-get-entry-where
>                        table
>                        (format "%s_name" table)
>                        (format "%s_uuid = %s" table (sql-escape-string
> uuid))
>                        cf-db)))
>          (names (mapcar (lambda (table) (funcall find-uuid table uuid))
>                         '("sobjects" "predicates")))
>          (names (delq nil names))
>          (name (car names)))
>     (cond (name name)
>           (t (rcd-triplets-return-triplet uuid)))))
> ;; For example this function below, gives following:
> ;; (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid "f26d9e92-ed61-4281-a27e-668b76daa5e2") ➜
> "known universe is/are inside [2] of/from unknown universe [3]"
> ;; This is similar function as to list items, just specifically for
> ;; all of the triplets in the buffer.
> ;; It offers 2 buttons, like [subject] and [object] which gives to
> ;; user possibility to take whole triplet and make it object or
> ;; subject with some predicate.
> ;; That enables definitions like:
> ;; Emacs Lisp is/are programming language
> ;; help to human
> ;; Emacs Lisp is/are help to human [41]
> ;; programming language has/have function
> ;; programming language is/are language
> ;; English is/are language
> ;; verb is/are predicate
> ;; run is/are verb
> ;; programming language has/have function [43] may be run
> ;; language has/have verb
> ;; Doing it gives me some ideas, as that way it is possible to quickly
> ;; define concepts. Triplet of basic understanding builds on other
> ;; triplets of basic understandings. It can build into "contact
> ;; entry", which by semantics "may require" other information like
> ;; "phone number", or "e-mail" address, and by designing
> ;; relationships, one can then say that "contact entry" is a function
> ;; (and that must be programmed), and that function shall ask for
> ;; other entries, and those can be parsed automatically. So I think
> ;; that by parsing semi-visually and interactively defined meanings it
> ;; is possible to program computer in somewhat easier manner than by
> ;; writing code. At least for some basic applications, let us say for
> ;; invoices, or notes, tasks.
> (defun rcd-triplets-list (&optional _)
>   (interactive)
>   (let* ((triplets (rcd-sql-list
>                     "SELECT uuid2uuid_id, uuid2uuid_uuid,
> uuid2uuid_subjects, uuid2uuid_predicates, uuid2uuid_objects
>                        FROM uuid2uuid"
>                     cf-db))
>          (width (rcd-db-column-width "uuid2uuid" "uuid2uuid_id" cf-db))
>          (buffer "*RCD Notes: Semantic Triplets*"))
>     (rcd-triplets-buffer buffer)
>     (rcd-triplets-header-insert)
>     (insert
>      (rcd-report-underlined
>       "Semantic Triplets"
>       (with-temp-buffer
>         (while triplets
>           (let* ((triplet (pop triplets))
>                  (id (nth 0 triplet))
>                  (uuid (nth 1 triplet))
>                  (subject (nth 2 triplet))
>                  (subject-name (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid subject))
>                  (predicate (nth 3 triplet))
>                  (predicate-name (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid predicate))
>                  (object (nth 4 triplet))
>                  (object-name (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid object)))
>             (rcd-button-insert
>              "[subject]"
>              (lambda (_)
>                (rcd-triplets-new uuid)))
>             (insert " ")
>             (rcd-button-insert
>              "[object]"
>              (lambda (_)
>                (rcd-triplets-new nil nil uuid)))
>             (insert " " subject-name " " predicate-name " " object-name)
>             (insert "\n")))
>         (buffer-string))))
>     (goto-char (point-min))))
> ;; (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid "f26d9e92-ed61-4281-a27e-668b76daa5e2") ➜
> "known universe is/are inside [2] of/from unknown universe [3]"
> ;; (rcd-triplets-return-triplet "764114e5-2d7a-4b9a-b1b0-a5719e6f3468") ➜
> "language has/have verb [49]"
> ;; This is function that writes representation of triplet. I think of
> ;; expanding representation by adding correct singular, and plural
> ;; forms, as that way I will avoid having "is/are", but will have
> ;; proper "is" or "are" as predicate
> (defun rcd-triplets-return-triplet (uuid)
>   (let* ((triplet (rcd-sql-list-first "SELECT uuid2uuid_subjects,
> uuid2uuid_predicates, uuid2uuid_objects
>                                    FROM uuid2uuid
>                                   WHERE uuid2uuid_uuid = $1"
>                                 cf-db uuid))
>          (id (cadr (rcd-db-id-by-uuid uuid)))
>          (subject (nth 0 triplet))
>          (subject-name (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid subject))
>          (predicate (nth 1 triplet))
>          (predicate-name (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid predicate))
>          (object (nth 2 triplet))
>          (object-name (rcd-triplets-name-by-uuid object)))
>     (format "%s %s %s [%s]" subject-name predicate-name object-name id)))
> ;; This one just list the "sobject" items in buffer. Must have "_"
> ;; optional argument to be used as button.
> (defun rcd-triplets-db-list-sobjects (&optional _)
>   (interactive)
>   (rcd-triplets-db-list "sobjects"))
> ;; List predicates in buffer.
> (defun rcd-triplets-db-list-predicates (&optional _)
>   (interactive)
>   (rcd-triplets-db-list "predicates"))
> ;; Select one of "sobjects" or "prdicates" by using completing read.
> (defun rcd-triplets-sobject-select (&optional prompt)
>   (rcd-db-combo-selection "sobjects" (or prompt "Select subject or object:
> ")))
> (defun rcd-triplets-predicate-select (&optional prompt)
>   (rcd-db-combo-selection "predicates" (or prompt "Select predicate: ")))
> ;; Record triplet, this one accepts UUID only and eventually
> ;; description. You never know why some relation shall be described,
> ;; it is note about the note. This is lower level function.
> (defun rcd-triplets-record-triplet (subject-uuid predicate-uuid
> object-uuid &optional description)
>   (let ((description (or description "")))
>     (rcd-sql-first
>      "INSERT INTO uuid2uuid (uuid2uuid_subjects, uuid2uuid_predicates,
> uuid2uuid_objects, uuid2uuid_description)
>            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
>         RETURNING uuid2uuid_id"
>      cf-db subject-uuid predicate-uuid object-uuid description)))
> ;; This is higher level function to record new triplet. UUID can be
> ;; anything, what if it is other triplet? Other database and table
> ;; UUID reference? It could be Org reference as well.
> (defun rcd-triplets-new (&optional subject-uuid predicate-uuid object-uuid
> description)
>   (interactive)
>   (let* ((subject (unless subject-uuid (rcd-triplets-sobject-select
> "Select subject: ")))
>          (subject-uuid (or subject-uuid (rcd-db-uuid-by-id "sobjects"
> subject cf-db)))
>          (predicate (unless predicate-uuid
> (rcd-triplets-predicate-select)))
>          (predicate-uuid (or predicate-uuid (rcd-db-uuid-by-id
> "predicates" predicate cf-db)))
>          (object (unless object-uuid (rcd-triplets-sobject-select "Select
> object: ")))
>          (object-uuid (or object-uuid (rcd-db-uuid-by-id "sobjects" object
> cf-db)))
>          (description (rcd-ask "Description: ")))
>     (rcd-triplets-record-triplet subject-uuid predicate-uuid object-uuid
> description)))
> There is more to expand, I have to continue "teaching" computer as to
> understand how to implement automated programming functions. It may
> involve injecting basic functions in the database, which I already do
> with "types" of objects, if object is of PDF type, then I let the "PDF
> type" decide by itself how to open PDF, and not that I put it in the
> code. That way user has option to change how to open PDF, without
> (much) coding.
> I am thinking that once it is defined well for example:
> - that task has created time
> - that task must have name
> - that task may be related to people
> - that people is database table
> - that task may have text body
> Then the final triplet may be defined to be actionable, something like
> "task", and some triplets would become buttons.
> User would then be able to create own useful screen or search through
> notes, and then click on button like "add task" to add, or later
> delete, duplicate, etc. Some basic objects I have to define as
> actionable, like screens, menu, etc. for program to be parsable and
> executable, so that human can enter some data, and represent that data
> in some way, or search through it, share it.
> I have only blurry idea that it may work that way.
> --
> Jean
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Thread overview: 4+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2023-01-21 15:48 Programming Emacs visually with semantic triplets Jean Louis
2023-01-21 17:38 ` Eduardo Ochs
2023-01-21 20:02   ` Jean Louis
2023-01-21 21:56     ` Andrew Hyatt [this message]

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