Thank you so much all of you ---

I think C-<SPC> C-<SPC> then C-u C-<SPC> works for me

The split window trick seems neat - actually very neat - One question though ... when I split the window and then move somewhere else, I would then have to switch to the other windows before making it the only one - right? Some extra key strokes seem to be involved.

What I like best about Emacs is that I could've written up a script and bound to keys as Andreas suggested but I prefer to do find out if there is an "Emacs" way to do it already.

Thank you all for your suggestions. I shifted to Emacs a couple of years ago (after being a Vi guy for over 10 years!) because I fell in love with functional programming (in Haskell actually).


On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Dmitry Gutov <> wrote:
notbob <> writes:

> On 2012-07-07, Francesco Mazzoli <> wrote:
>> I use `C-<SPC> C-<SPC>' to set the mark, and `C-u C-<SPC>' to jump >> back. No registers involved.
> I occasionally do something stupid like hit the wrong keystroke, usually
> C-e, which puts me at the end of the line.  I was somewhat sure there
> was an equally simple keystroked to return me to where I once was
> where.  NO!?  If not, I'm bummed.  I thought emacs was "powerful".
> Seems a simple function.  And by GOD, can't let vi outdo on this!

Can vi undo just any navigation command?