Thanks Tom

Maybe the following could work, it seems to do what you want when I try
it here.

 (let ((default-directory "path1"))
   (eshell t)
   (rename-buffer "b1"))
 (let ((default-directory "path2"))
   (eshell t)
   (rename-buffer "b2")))

This is a working solution for me.
 (eshell t)
 (eshell/cd "path1")
 (eshell t)
 (eshell/cd "path2")

The above snippet does not seem to work for me. Could you please explain the below lines ?

 (eshell t) -> This opens up a new eshell
 (eshell/cd "path1") - ?????
 (eshell-send-input) - I am guessing the command in the previous step gets passed on using this command.
Hope it helps in some small way.

Absolutely helps!!!
