On Sun, May 8, 2022 at 1:36 PM Michael Heerdegen wrote: > > Michael Heerdegen writes: > > > I suggest to try M-: (require 'longlines) RET M-x longlines-mode RET. > > Please try with these settings: > > (setq-default so-long-target-modes t) > (setq-default so-long-action 'longlines-mode) > (setq-default longlines-show-hard-newlines t) > (global-so-long-mode +1) Wonderful trick. This works smoothly. See the attached file for more details. > That should make opening and editing your file work ok out of the box. > All newlines not explicitly indicated (most of them) are "virtual" and > not included when saving. But I'm currently using the following configuration in my `~/.emacs.d/init.el`, I wonder how to merge your above tricks into them, as shown below: ``` (use-package so-long :config ;; https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/so-long.html ;; * Example configuration ;; ----------------------- ;; If you prefer to configure in code rather than via the customize interface, ;; then you might use something along these lines: ;; Enable so-long library. (when (require 'so-long nil :noerror) (global-so-long-mode 1) ;; Basic settings. (setq so-long-action 'so-long-minor-mode) (setq so-long-threshold 1000) (setq so-long-max-lines 100) ;; Additional target major modes to trigger for. (mapc (apply-partially #'add-to-list 'so-long-target-modes) '(sgml-mode nxml-mode)) ;; Additional buffer-local minor modes to disable. (mapc (apply-partially #'add-to-list 'so-long-minor-modes) '(diff-hl-mode diff-hl-amend-mode diff-hl-flydiff-mode)) ;; Additional variables to override. (mapc (apply-partially #'add-to-list 'so-long-variable-overrides) '((show-trailing-whitespace . nil) (truncate-lines . nil)))) ) ``` > Michael. Yours, HZ