On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 4:53 PM Robert Pluim wrote: > > >>>>> On Tue, 26 Apr 2022 16:42:26 +0800, Hongyi Zhao said: > > Hongyi> I've the following code snippets of the wolfram language: > Hongyi> ``` > Hongyi> Hold[ReplaceRepeated[List[A, B, IA, A, B, IA, A, B, IA, A, B, IA, A, > Hongyi> B, IA], RuleDelayed[Condition[List[Pattern[x, BlankNullSequence[]], > Hongyi> Pattern[y, Blank[]], Pattern[z, Blank[]], Pattern[t, > Hongyi> BlankNullSequence[]]], Simplify[Equal[Dot[y, z], IdentityMatrix[3]]]], > Hongyi> List[x, t]]]] > Hongyi> ``` > > Hongyi> I want to format it in Emacs to improve readability. Any hints for > Hongyi> achieving this purpose? > > Install wolfram-mode? I installed this package and activated the mode provided by it, but still can't see any options to do the job discussed here, as shown in the attached file. HZ