Hello Emacs Jedis, 

I've just finished to develop a site named after the emacs function `color-theme-select. 
As you can guess from the name, it tries to mimic an emacs window and lists many
color-themes for the user to select. It also allows to customize every face defined on 
the theme. Themes can be saved (as gists on github) and reloaded at any time, and
of course you can download the generated emacs lisp.

Currently the site showcases the themes included in the standard color-theme 
distribution, and also some other's I've found on the net. If you'd like me to include
your color-theme just mail me: vic.borja@gmail.com

The current site lives at 

the code for it is at  http://github.com/vic/color-theme-select 

Note that this site is still in beta, I've tested it in firefox and chrome, not sure it 
works on other browsers. 

I made this web site to enable emacs users to preview color themes, but mainly
to customize them and share. I hope you enjoy using (color-theme-select). 

All feedback is pretty much appreciated.

P.D. Currently .js files are not compressed, so the site may seem a little heavy to


"Let every Jedi of the emacs order choose the color of his lightsaber"