I'm trying to write a shell script that will automatically change a bunch of my org-mode files into HTML files. But am running into some problems. The structure, as best I understand it, should like something like this:
emacs -batch -eval '(progn (find-file "test.org.txt") (org-export-as-html "test.html"))'
However, when I run that, it gives the output:
Loading 00fink-vars...
Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
Oddly, I've noticed that if I don't use my custom extension (.org.txt) but just use .org like so:
emacs -batch -eval '(progn (find-file "test.org") (org-export-as-html "test.html"))'
It will run, but will always spit out a blank HTML file, no matter the contents of test.org
Thank you in advance for any help,
Colin Grey