Hi Irie, I have transform Chinese document with when you give me 0.7.3-dev2 version. But I found you don't apply newest Chinese document with 0.7.3 version. Haven't you receive my reply email? I have send many document or bug report about 0.7.3 version. I think must have something wrong to make you can't receive my mail. So i send newest Chinese document and bug report for scim-bridge.el 0.7.3 at here, hope you can see this. Below is bug backtrace with scim-bridge.el 0.7.3: ,---- | Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Selecting deleted buffer") | scim-bridge-receive() | scim-bridge-send-receive("deregister_imcontext 13") | scim-deregister-imcontext() | scim-kill-buffer-function() | kill-buffer(#) | kill-this-buffer() | call-interactively(kill-this-buffer nil nil) `---- And have another bug with yasnippet, when you type in yasnippet tag field, will find generate many character. Above two bug is found in 0.7.3, and 0.7.2-dev3 haven't above bugs. I have attached newest Chinese document. Please check it. Please send me a confirm mail if you have update document or fix bug. Regards, -- Andy