Kévin Le Gouguec writes: > I'm guessing it's just a matter of finding x such that… > > $ emacs --batch \ > --eval "$x" \ > --eval '(message "color-name-to-rgb: %s" > (color-name-to-rgb "#abcdef"))' > > … sets up enough "graphical terminal" support that display-graphic-p > holds, and (color-values "#abcdef") returns (43947 52685 61423) instead > of (0 65535 65535), but x eludes me thus far. Meh. --batch sets noninteractive; from there, src/dispnew.c:init_display completely avoids init_display_interactive, so initial-window-system remains nil, which AFAICT tells lisp/startup.el to skip a bunch of window-system initialization (such as, well, lisp/term/x-win.el:window-system-initialization). I crammed a sizable portion of startup.el into --eval, but never got past the "I/O possible" signal I mentioned. Ah well. (Past-last-minute thought: hey, maybe I should see what function installs the handler for that signal, and see if I can reach it from --eval… Oh well) > Alternatively, I could drop --batch and switch to princ + > external-debugging-output + kill-emacs, I guess. Going with that 🤷 $ emacs \ --eval "(princ (format \"color-name-to-rgb: %s\\n\" (color-name-to-rgb \"#abcdef\")) 'external-debugging-output)" \ -f kill-emacs color-name-to-rgb: (0.6705882352941176 0.803921568627451 0.9372549019607843) ⁂ ℰ𝓅𝒾𝓁ℴℊ𝓊ℯ ⁂ Some closure for whoever took the time to read this. Here's what I initially set out to do: review the contrast of diff faces from the Modus themes v4 (in-progress), and flag those where the ratio dips below 7:1. With $PWD at the root of the Modus themes repo, on branch version-4, and the attached modus-diff-contrast.el checked out: $ emacs -Q -L . -l modus-themes \ -l modus-diff-contrast.el \ -f kill-emacs Sample screenshots attached; personal takeaways: * refinements really are somewhat hard to see (especially source code comments in Ediff); bummer, since they are supposed to help words pop out within a line, * the dark deuteranopia theme has poorer contrast than the "vanilla" dark theme, on average. Now to decide whether it's worth pestering Prot about this, or if I should just use v4's new knobs to make vivendi-deuteranopia backgrounds darker 🤔 Again, jolly good times to you all.