Hello all I'm just a beginner in using Regexp operations. I know that Emacs RegExps are somewhat different from those of awk etc. But I'm using the GNU Emacs manual to look them up. I usually need them to do some editing (isearch-forward-regexp or query-replace-regexp) in LaTeX-files which were MS-Word files originally. I'm using AucTeX in Emacs For example, I want to search every occurrence of pp. `number' (to replace it by pp.~`number'). Instead of space, pp. can also be followed by an end-of-line. So I think this RegExp should be correct: pp\.[ \|$][0-9] To my understanding, it should mean: the string pp. followed by a group consisting of space or end-of-line followed by a number. Alas, occurrences of pp. at the end of a line are never found. I've also tried \n instead of $ and [ $] instead of [ \|$] -- all with the same result. What's my mistake? Thanks for help Sven