Whilst I'm still learning emacs and gnus I'm constantly adding code to my "setup-testbed.el" file, and then finding later that it doesn't do what its expected to do, or I don't like the outcome, so I then comment it out. Currently, I'm doing it laboriously by hand, but is it possible to highlight it and then with one key-press insert ";" in front of each and every line of the code please? I haven't seen this ability anywhere, but being able to do it would make things a whole lot easier for me, so, can it be done please folks? Sharon. -- A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs