Hello, I just started experimenting with signing and encrypting mail with Gnus. For most part is working just fine, but I found a situation that is giving me trouble. When I get an e-mail from someone who didn't sign or encrypt their message and then I reply to their mail, I get the following: ,---- | To: "And | Subject: Re: TEST | From: Angel de Vicente | Gcc: nnml:Correo.MAIN | --text follows this line-- | | | "And writes: | > this message is strictly prohibited. More information: | > | <#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign> | | -- | Ángel de Vicente | Research Software Engineer (Supercomputing and BigData) | Tel.: +34 922-605-747 | Web.: http://research.iac.es/proyecto/polmag/ | | GPG: 0x8BDC390B69033F52 `---- In my .emacs file I add the following hook, so that all messages will be signed automatically: (add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime) and that works fine for regular messages that I start or when replying to previously signed, but if the message I reply to is not signed, then the tag <#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign> is placed in the middle of the message, and the outgoing message is not signed. I can certainly sign it no problems if I issue the command C-c C-m C-s, which then positions the tag again at the beginning of the message, but obviously I would prefer not to do it by hand, because I will most likely forget. Any advice/ideas? Thanks -- Ángel de Vicente Research Software Engineer (Supercomputing and BigData) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (https://www.iac.es/en)