Hello This might be quite unusual, so I don't expect a quick answer. Due to a bug in biblatex I need a field in certain Bibtex entries empty, but ALWAYS present. By default Emacs kills empty fields when the function bibtex-clean-entry is called. Is it possible to exclude a certain type of field from deletion? A more detailed description of the problem: Biblatex knows the field "subtitle". If this field is not present in InCollection entries, it is added via crossref from the corresponding Collection entry. But this field, then, has the wrong value, since it is the Collection's subtitle, not the InCollection's. So, the output is spoiled. An empty subtitle field in the InCollection entry is a workaround until this is fixed by the developer. But this makes the function bibtex-clean-entry unusable unless it can be told to leave empty subtitle fields in InCollections. Greetings Sven