ismail dönmez on Mon, 12 Jul 2004 07:08:32 +0300 writes: >> > I am using emacs -fs to start emacs in fullscreen but I wonder is >> > there a config option that I can add in ~/.emacs so when I do start >> > emacs it will automatically start in fullscreen ? >> >> (w32-send-sys-command 61488) > > I am on linux. Sorry forgot to say that. I am using Gtk+ gui. I can't find the `-fs' option in Emacs 21.3. However, you can put xrdb ~/.Xresources in your ~/.xinitrc (or the other script you use to start X, anyway the xrdb command may run before Emacs). and emacs*geometry: 80x40+100+0 in your ~.Xresources (change 80x40+100+0 [WIDTHxHEIGHT+XOFF+YOFF] to what you want). For more detailed informations see `C-h i d m emacs RET g Resources X'. My current ~/.Xresources (just containing commented out old configurations) follows !!! .Xresources ! emacs*background: black ! emacs*foreground: white ! emacs*geometry: +100+0 ! emacs.toolbar: 0 ! emacs.menubar: 0 ! emacs.scrollbar: 0 ! xterm*background: black ! xterm*foreground: red ! xterm*geometry: +530+430 !!!! .Xresources ends here -- Marco Parrone [0x45070AD6]