"marijuanated@gmail.com" writes: > Hi All, > > Is horizontal scrollbar implemented anywhere in emacs?? Googling did > not lead me anywhere. Also is it possible to implement it using > emacs-lisp?? See (info "(emacs)Misc X") `-hb' `--horizontal-scroll-bars' Enable horizontal scroll bars. Since horizontal scroll bars are not yet implemented, this actually does nothing. What do you mean by « implement it using Emacs-lisp »? You want to create a small buffer that acts like a scrollbar ? Sounds feasible. -- | Michaël `Micha' Cadilhac | La meilleure façon | | Epita/LRDE Promo 2007 | de ne pas avancer, | | http://michael.cadilhac.name | c'est de suivre une idée fixe. | `--JID: michael.cadilhac@gmail.com--' -- Jacques Prévert - --'