Latest update: I got the rendering of AVIF files working with GraphicsMagick: * Made sure that GraphicsMagick properly reports its list of supported file formats. By doing so I found what I believe to be a [bug in Arch][1]. * Explicitly specified GraphicsMagick as converter, although according to documentation it should be chosen automatically if not set: '(image-converter 'graphicsmagick) * As before, I specified `avif` as an extension of files to render in `image-mode` upon loading: '(image-file-name-extensions '("png" "jpeg" "jpg" "gif" "tiff" "tif" "xbm" "xpm" "pbm" "pgm" "ppm" "pnm" "svg" "avif")) However, that does *not* work. AVIF files are opened in `fundamental-mode`, and I have to do: M-x image-mode Now, I would like to try if setting `image-file-name-regexps` can solve the issue. However, when I add a regular expression such as simply the four characters “avif”, then customize reports an error message: image-file-name-regexp: Wrong type argument: characterp, "avif" *Why is that? How do I properly specify a regular expression here?* See full configuration attached. (About raw files: GraphicsMagick does support ARW files, albeit rendering is slow. Via so called delegates it can be extended to support additional file formats, and maybe I can tell it to use the preview embedded in an ARW in order to speed things up.) [1]: