It is probably fairly common to have url-fields in bibtex entries nowadays. Editing bibtex files in Emacs using bibtex mode one can open such urls by moving point onto them and calling browse-url. I thought it would be great if the url-field would be buttonized/clickable so that one could open the link by a single mouse-click. Browsing google I couldn't find anything along these lines. Is something like this possible already? Does anybody have some code? Could something like that be added to bibtex.el? ,----[(version)] | GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i686-pc-cygwin, X toolkit) of 2004-03-22 on cm-test `---- Greetings, Jochen -- Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité GnuPG key: CC1B0B4D (Part 3 you find in my messages before fall 2003.)