From mboxrd@z Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
From: Francis Belliveau <>
Subject: Re: Ctrl-[ ?
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019 17:03:06 -0400
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> On Jun 7, 2019, at 20:31, =C3=93scar Fuentes <> wrote:
> Francis Belliveau <> writes:
>> I think that a lot of you are missing the point that was made early =
>> in the discussion. This mapping of ASCII cntrol characters is a
>> definition made by convention since the day of the Teletype machines.
>> It is how the ASCII character set was defined.
> So what? Why a GUI user should be inconvenienced or prevented to bind
> C-i, C-[, etc. to whatever he pleases the same way he binds any other
> key combination? You can't bind C-[ on a terminal, because there is a
> technical limitation, ok. But why you can't bind it either on a GUI,
> where the technical limitation does not exist?

There are many other emails on this discussion that I would like to =
respond to.  I chose this one because it is most blatantly missing the =
point that I am attempting to make.  I will try to answer all the =
comments that I can remember.  A lot of emails showed up while I was =
composing what I have below.

What I am trying to say is that the technical limitation does exist in a =
GUI application because the OS puts it there.

First I would like to say that I do not know much about the internals of =
the EMACS source code, but what I believe that Oscar is expressing below =
is the assumption that the EMACS application has direct access to the =
keyboard key bindings.  If that is the case, then something can =
certainly be done there to change how things work, but as was previously =
mentioned there may be some serious, and difficult to predict, side =

However, my development experience is that there are some bindings that =
are at the OS interface level and therefore invisible to the =
application.  It is possible that EMACS is using a lower-level keyboard =
interface that allows it to see raw keystrokes, but I would not have =
implemented things that way because it is very implementation dependent. =
 I have worked on interfacing directly to keyboard input and it can get =
very messy because it depends on the keyboard model that the keystrokes =
come from, and you need to handle every Key-Down and Key-Up along with =
"repeat actions" when keys are held down too long.  Think of what =
happens if you hold down the shift key long enough for the key-repeat to =
begin; the keyboard starts sending "shift-down" events at the "repeat =
rate" mixed in with any other key events that you perform while holding =
the shift key down.  It is far easier to let the OS drivers untangle all =
that.  Some keyboards come with customizable drivers these days that may =
allow you to remap things in a way that will help.

It is my assumption in what I say below that EMACS is trusting the OS to =
perform the keystroke translations for it.  If there is somebody who =
knows that the application source operates differently, I will abdicate =
to their greater knowledge.  But if you are assuming that I am wrong =
without that in-depth knowledge, then you are likely to be disappointed.

Let me begin with the "documentation" that was requested.  I deleted the =
original posting that contained the explanation of ASCII and how it =
works.  You will find reasonable documentation at
There you will find that a few of the ASCII control-codes are mapped to =
actual keys on your keyboard.  I note those below.

Although ASCII is far from the only character set in use today, I =
believe that you will find that most character sets hold ASCII as the =
base that they are built upon.  This is because it is the first standard =
character set.
Character sets today come in different sizes, but ASCII only requires 7 =
bits, so even an 8-bit key-code can include a "meta" modifier =
indication.  A 16-bit character set can certainly do a lot more.

I believe that the next level of documentation that was requested is =
"which keys provide identical bindings?"  Every application I ever wrote =
to interface with keyboard input has assumed an 8-bit character set and =
therefore cannot tell the difference in the following key-strokes (using =
EMACS notation):

C-h =3D Backspace
C-I =3D Tab
C-j =3D Line-Feed
C-m =3D Carriage-Return
C-[ =3D Escape

Line-Feed and Carriage-Return are holdovers from how typewriters =
functioned.  Depending on the OS you may be able to rebind one, but =
likely not the other, in a manner that does not effect the function run =
when you use your "Enter" or "Return" key.  Please note that I speak =
only of the main keys on the keyboard.  Your extra "keypad(s)" will =
generally send escape-sequences, even for the "Enter" key that you will =
find there.

You will also notice that there is no control sequence available for =
what ASCII calls the Delete character and that C-h is mapped to =
Backspace.  On a QWERTY typewriter keyboard the Backspace key it at the =
upper right-hand corner where most of today's keyboards place what they =
call a Delete key.

When I use C-hk to ask EMACS for help with a keystroke sequence, I find =
C-[ =3D Escape, C-i =3D Tab and C-m =3D Enter, Delete =3D Backspace. =20
I must admit that I am surprised that C-h and Backspace are actually =
seen differently, but the remainder holds up and the keyboards might =
actually be sending a Delete code that EMACS is calling Backspace. =20
Furthermore, the "Enter" button is positioned on the keyboard where the =
Carriage-Return button was placed when electric typewriters were =

So what I believe that many of you are complaining about is the =
inability to separate the actions by specialized keys on your keyboard =
from the "control code" that they actually generate.

What I am saying is that if EMACS cannot tell the difference, then it =
cannot provide you with the ability to bind them differently.  To fix =
the problem you will need to go deeper into things than just a simple =
key-mapping like what happens when you hit C-z.
