Personally, I don't find I'm "fighting" with macros.  You can get an astounding amount done with macros without having to do the mental context switch to coding mode.  And if I'm already in coding mode, I find putting the real application I was working on (in Java or C or PHP or JavaScript or whatever) on short-term hold and switching context to writing Elisp code for editing the application code, leaves me struggling to remember what I was trying to accomplish with my changes to the application code when I finally finish writing the Elisp code and need to pop that context off my mental stack and return to thinking about the application code.

But other people's mental processes may well be different.  To each his own.  Or, as they say, YMMV.

On 7/22/2011 4:37 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:

from my feeling: finally much easier then fighting which recorded keyboard-macros is writing it's own little functions.

Running them under edebug then and a breakpoint set allows neatly control

Keyboard macros are good for really limited and easy repeats.
