Matt Price wrote: > after cultivating my abbrev_defs file for months i seem to have > accidentqally overwritten it with a blank one -- it's heartbreaking! > > so, having learned the importance of backups, or in this case maybe > version control, i'm wondering whether anyone out there has a nice > long abbrev_defs file with their commonly-mistyped English-language > words -- or if you know a place on the web i can find one. for > instance, notice that i'm typing 'i' in lowercase -- because i'm used > to having abbrev-mode correct it for me! anyway, if anyone cal help > i'd sure appreciate it. thanks much, > > matt > > > Hi, sorry, don't have that much english abbrevs, as german native speaking. Maybe there is some help though: attached mode-abbrev-propose.el makes defining of an mode-abbrev much faster: it takes a numerical argument - how many words before point being part of the expansion. Finally it offers the downcased first chars of these words as abbrev. Quite often it's just RET than to store it. Here some examples: ("atm" "at the moment" nil 0) ("atos" "At the other side" nil 0) ("belrin" "Berlin" nil 1) ("ec" "Emample code" nil 1) Should you need german abbrevs, could deliver some more... HTH Andreas --