"computer illiterate" ?  - but handcoding LaTex ?

why not using Texmacs  (  www.texmacs.org )

I know that similar questions have been raised on the past but I 
wasn't able to find all the information I need.

What is the "best" way to use emacs as a (La)TeX editor in windows
operating systems?  Besides auc-tex and preview-latex that are
indispensable, I would also like whizzytex to be available.
Preferably I would like a binary of emacs that is easy to install even
for people that have not much experience with windows (like me).
Also, which TeX distribution for windows do you think is best?

I am trying to promote the use of emacs as the LaTeX editor of choice
to a group of more or less "computer illiterate" people that treat
"windows" and "computers" more or less as synonyms.  So I want to be
able to set up an impressive presentation that will convince them for
the power of emacs, hopefully without scaring them too much.

Any help will greatly be appreciated.

-- There is no national science just as there is no national multiplication table; what is national is no longer science. -- Anton Checov