Thinking a moment, I indent to use the following method to achieve:

M-: (info "(emacs) Saving Customizations")

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Anand S. Dhankshirur <> wrote:
I have 2 versions of emacs.
21.3 is installed in /usr/bin/emacs
and 22.3 is installed in /export/home1/asd/tools/emacs-22.3/
when i changed .emacs file, the emacs 21.3 is having the effect.
How can i make this to happen in emacs 22.3 wrote:
Execute the current buffer as Lisp code. I think you should use the `eval-buffer' command.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Anand S. Dhankshirur < <>> wrote:

   I have installed emacs in
   The .emacs file is in $HOME directory. i.e ./export/home1/asd
   I changed the key binding .emacs it is not getting changed when i
   started the emacs again.
