For the next 48 hours
Reach 200,000
Potential Customers

for only

Get your product or service in front of the eyes of 200,000 prospects through the
Power of Email Marketing !

Target Your Audience By:

  • Industry
  • Occupation
  • Hobby
  • Interest
  • Geographic Location
  • City
  • State
  • Country & More

All Campaigns are Initiated within 48 hours

200,000 email broadcast: $199
1,000,000 email broadcast : $399

Direct Email Marketing is a powerful and cost effective advertising medium used to promote your business. All campaigns are initiated within 2 days so results are noticed almost instantly! If you have any questions regarding our direct email advertising campaigns, please feel free to contact us.

Jump Start Your Profits.
Call Today!

EBroadcast of
Deerfield, FL

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