On Feb 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Ben Key wrote: > I have a small ELlisp package that configures Emacs to use a vertical bar caret. It takes into account the differences between GNU Emacs and XEmacs. > > In this package I have the following line. > > (setq-default cursor-type '(bar . bk-preferred-caret-width)) > > bk-preferred-caret-width is a defcustom variable with a default value of 2. > > Unfortunately this does not have the desired effect. However, the following does work. > > (setq-default cursor-type '(bar . 2)) > > Can anyone suggest how I might get this to work? Is it possible that bk-preferred-caret-width is being set *after* the line (setq-default ...) executes? This could be, for example, if the package that defines bk-preferred-carent-wdith is loaded after the (setq-default ...) line. If so, then require the package that bk-preferred-caret -width before the seq-default line. (I use the term "package"... in Emacs terms, this is usually an elisp file) HTH, Perry