               I am user of emacs. I am working for samsung electronics
    co ltd India software operations.  I have a problem in modifying my
    .emacs file to support the specman .e files. I downloaded the
    specman-mode.el file into my lisp directory and add the following
    code into my .emac  file.
  ;;(require 'specman-mode)
  (autoload 'specman-mode "specman-mode" "Specman code editing mode" t)
  (setq auto-mode-alist
    (append (list
      (cons "
\\.e\\'" 'specman-mode)
      (cons "
\\.e3\\'" 'specman-mode)
      (cons "
\\.load\\'" 'specman-mode)
      (cons "
\\.ecom\\'" 'specman-mode)
      (cons "
\\.etst\\'" 'specman-mode))
    When ever i open the .e extention files in emacs i am getting the
    following error.
  File mode specification error: (file-error "can not open load file "
    "specman-mode" )
   I request you to help in modifing my .emacs file to support the
    specman files.
   - thanks and regards