2022-11-07 Emacs news ===================== - Help wanted: - [[HELP] Clearing bug reports before the upcoming Org release] () - [Emacs User Survey] () ([emacs-devel] (), [Reddit] (), [HN] (), [lobste.rs] ()) - [Prot is asking for help to move countries] () - Upcoming events: - [EmacsConf 2022 (Dec 3 & 4) - Schedule] () ([Irreal] ()) - Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) Fri Nov 11 0900 Vancouver / 1100 Chicago / 1200 Toronto / 1700 GMT / 1800 Berlin / 2230 Kolkata -- Sat Nov 12 0100 Singapore - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA Tue Nov 15 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1600 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2130 Kolkata -- Wed Nov 16 0000 Singapore - [Emacs plus: la migliore versione di Emacs per Mac Os e Il tema che cambia in automatico] () Nov 16 - Hispa Emacs (virtual) Fri Nov 18 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1600 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2130 Kolkata -- Sat Nov 19 0000 Singapore - EmacsSF: coffee.el Sat Nov 19 1100 Vancouver / 1300 Chicago / 1400 Toronto / 1900 GMT / 2000 Berlin -- Sun Nov 20 0030 Kolkata / 0300 Singapore - Beginner: - [Emacs Mega Tutorial Part 1 (The Saga Begins)] () (01:12:55) - [Emacs Basic Editing Commands (Mega Tutorial Part 2)] () (41:03) - [Emacs: Advanced Editing with Mark and Region commands] () (05:46) - [How to really love Emacs? Learn Elisp. - YouTube] () (18:56, [Reddit] (), [Irreal] ()) - Emacs configuration: - [emacs-key-guide: Quickly add keyguides to buffers] () - [Creating and displaying cheatsheets of keybindings] () - [lambda-emacs: Emacs distribution with sane defaults, pre-configured packages, and useful functions.] () - [Jamie Matthews' emacs config] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Derek Taylor's Emacs Config] () - [justinbarcla's .emacs.d] () - [ted-tanner"s .emacs] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Marcin Borkowski: Counting working days again] () - [Andrey Listopadov: Emacs Lisp shorthands as namespacing system] () - [How to build an editor with Emacs Lisp - 11 Common pitfalls of Macros] () (18:48) - [Programmatically Setting Lisp Docstrings] () (2012) - Appearance: - [What type of theme do you use?] () - [nano-toolbar: Emacs toolbar in the header line] () ([Reddit] ()) - [[auto-dark-emacs] - An automatic theme changer for Emacs on macOS - UPDATED!] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Re: difference between ef-themes and modus-themes for Emacs?] () - Org Mode: - [Using emacs and org-mode to teach programming] () - [New Package: Org Rainbow Tags - A minor mode to colorize org tags automatically] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Lorenz attractor plotting in Python/Org-mode] () ([Reddit] ()) - [New package: Forgecast - cast resources to their forges] () ([r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] ()) - [Oolook: Style for org-mode] () ([Reddit] ()) - [org-noter-plus-djvu: Emacs document annotator, using Org-mode] () - [Use Syncthing with WebDAV to Sync Org Files Everywhere] () ([Reddit] ()) - Org development: - [Refactor `org-time-stamp-custom-formats' and `org-time-stamp-formats'] () - [org-babel: Add new "strip-tangle" :noweb argument value] () - [ob-sql.el: Respect all params when using dbconnection] () - Completion: - [Making the yasnippet *new-snippet* buffer more helpful, and comparing it to Jetbrains live templates] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Store auto-yasnippets in registers and expand on insert] () - Coding: - [Emacs as a C++ IDE ascii demo] () ([Reddit] ()) - [LSP mode guide on enabling/disabling features] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Async non-blocking JSONRPC (or lsp performance faster/comparable with other clients)] () - [Meta Redux: Meta Reduce 2022.0] () - nREPL, CIDER, Projectile, OCaml - Shells: - [Aweshell: Awesome shell extension based on eshell with multiple extra features] () ([Reddit] ()) - [vfish: Emacs vterm plugin for Fish shell] () - Doom Emacs: - [Better TSX support w/ Tree-sitter in Doom Emacs] () - [Emacs tab bar mode, doom mode line, unicode icons, moving the menu bar] () (53:51) - [Emacs tabs now have a fixed width and auto truncate text, cleaning up the doom modeline] () (24:14) - [doom emacs integrar plantuml archlinux] () (18:09) - EXWM: - [Emacs Desktop Environment #1 - Getting Started with EXWM] () - Fun: - [GitHub - BlueFlo0d/insecure-lock: Screen locker in pure Emacs Lisp] () ([Reddit] ()) - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - [Eric MacAdie: 2022-11 Austin Emacs Meetup] () - [Alex Bennée: My Setup (2022 Edition)] () - [Logiciels libres - Bastien Guerry] () - [Pie Menus: A 30 Year Retrospective | by Don Hopkins | Medium] () - includes screenshots of UniPress Emacs - [Any experience with FOOT PEDALS?] () - Other: - [Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL - YouTube] () - [Hey Emacs, where did I take that photo?] () ([Reddit] (), [lobste.rs] (), [Irreal] ()) - includes openstreetmap - ["Super Buffer File" and Dragon integration] () - for dragging and dropping files - [Alvaro Ramirez: Hey Emacs, change the default macOS app for...] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs development: - [emacs-devel: Progress on getting use-package into ELPA] () - [emacs-devel: CL packages on hold] () - [Add the "doas" alias to eshell.] () - [; Rename 'package-vc-link-directory' to '-install-from-checkout'] () - [Merge branch 'feature/package+vc'] () - [Document 'package-vc-selected-packages'] () - [* lisp/tab-bar.el (tab-bar-fixed-width): New user option.] () - [Add command 'package-vc-checkout'] () - New packages: - bluesound : Play, pause, resume music on a Bluesound player (MELPA) - dir-treeview-themes : Themes for dir-treeview (MELPA) - insecure-lock : Extensible screen lock framework (MELPA) - mint-mode : Major mode for the Mint programming language (MELPA) - opam-switch-mode : Select OCaml opam switches via a menu (MELPA) - related-files : Easily find files related to the current one (MELPA) - string-edit-at-point : Avoid escape nightmares by editing string in separate buffer (MELPA) - triples : A flexible triple-based database for us in apps. (GNU ELPA) - youtube-sub-extractor : Extract YouTube video subtitles (MELPA) Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [lobste.rs] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), [emacs-devel] (), and [lemmy/c/emacs] (). Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [sacha@sachachua.com] (). Thank you! You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents