2020-04-20 Emacs news ===================== - Emacs configuration: - [Sample Spacemacs Config File for Non-Programmers] () ([Reddit] ()) - [A simple mode-line configuration for Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [What is your three must-have packages that you can not live without ?] () - [self-contained-emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [GitHub - wandersoncferreira/dotfiles: Literate Emacs configuration with EXWM] () - Emacs Lisp: - [{ANN} elisp-depmap - a library to generate a dependency map for elisp projects.] () - [{ANN} New package orderless: a completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order] () - [Tory Anderson: Simulating `C-u` args to lambda-wrapped functions] () - Emacs development: - [Bind 'n' and 'p' to move between symbols in apropos] () - [Fix small glitches in documenting the native image API feature] () - [Make use of MS-Windows native image API be selectable at run time] () - [Initial version of native image API support for MS-Windows] () - [Document the new 'w32-get/set-ime-open-status' functions] () - Appearance: - [{New Package} shrface+: extensions to library `shrface.el', apply shrface to non-org buffers, like w3m, info and helpful] () - [Leuven-theme] () - [Why Emacs is so square] () ([Reddit] ()) - [{Update} Shrface 1.5 was released. This time, you can use org-cycle iny eww and nov! One more night can not sleep...] () - Navigation: - [Winds.el - 2-dimensional workspace switcher] () - [Manuel Uberti: Lockdown Beam: mark-thing-at] () - [Watch "Improve project workflow with GNU Global! (Emacs)" on YouTube] () - Org Mode: - [Literate programming setup of Docker programming environment with org-mode in Emacs] () - [{ANN} org-treeusage - Peek at the usage of your org headings] () - Coding: - [Using @prettier/plugin-ruby in spacemacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Python debugger (pdb) completion-at-point function] () - [Chen Bin (redguardtoo): Use Magit API to rebase to closest branch] () - [Norm: Dash docset updates] () - Mail: - [Alvaro Ramirez: mu/mu4e 1.4 released] () - Community: - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - [The most successful malleable system in history | Malleable Systems Collective] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] () - long discussion) - [Talking to the doctor in Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [a roundabout path to emacs - distinctly.pink] () - Other: - [Ask HN: Resources to grok Emacs and use it well? | Hacker News] () - [Watch "Emacs Through Macros - 01 - Introduction" on YouTube] () - [Some statistics about MELPA] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Using gpg-agent with Emacs flatpak] () - [Adrien Brochard: Quick Introduction to Emacs Hyperbole] () - [A tiny tip for those using elfeed for youtube subs] () - [codingquark: Elfeed with Tiny Tiny RSS] () ([HN] ()) - [Manuel Uberti: Lockdown Beam: native-complete] () - [I like the retro vibe of the Keychron K4 paired with Emacs running in terminal :)] () ([Reddit] ()) - [(setq handheld-mode nil)] () ([Reddit] ()) - New packages: - basic-ide : BASIC IDE c64 - bibtex-completion : A BibTeX backend for completion frameworks - brutal-theme : Brutalist theme - completions-frame : Show completions in child frame - elisp-depmap : Generate an elisp dependency map in graphviz - flatfluc-theme : Custom merge of flucui and flatui themes - flymake-phpstan : Flymake backend for PHP using PHPStan - friendly-tramp-path : Human-friendly TRAMP path construction - helm-org-multi-wiki : Helm interface to org-multi-wiki - lambdapi-mode : A major mode for editing Lambdapi source code - leaf-manager : Configuration manager for leaf based init.el - mc-calc : Combine multiple-cursors and calc - meow : Modal Editing On Wheel - org-multi-wiki : Multiple wikis based on Org mode - org-noter-pdftools : Integration between org-pdftools and org-noter - org-treeusage : Examine the usage of org headings in a tree-like manner - owcmd : Run a single command in the other window - rego-mode : A major mode for rego language - simple-modeline : A simple mode-line configuration for Emacs - sm-c-mode : C major mode based on SMIE - smart-input-source : Switch OS native input source smartly - space-theming : Easilly override theme faces Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] () and [emacs-devel] (). You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents