From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Path:!!not-for-mail From: Sacha Chua <> Newsgroups: gmane.emacs.tangents Subject: 2023-06-05 Emacs news Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2023 09:48:39 -0400 Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-=-=" Injection-Info:; posting-host=""; logging-data="7110"; mail-complaints-to="" User-Agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) To: Cancel-Lock: sha1:7h0IvhC50zjBa3z0cKRATLZ9Lf0= Original-X-From: Mon Jun 05 15:49:14 2023 Return-path: <> Envelope-to: Original-Received: from ([]) by with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256) (Exim 4.92) (envelope-from <>) id 1q6AaA-0001QI-4c for; Mon, 05 Jun 2023 15:49:14 +0200 Original-Received: from localhost ([::1] by with esmtp (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <>) id 1q6AZy-0004GU-6e; Mon, 05 Jun 2023 09:49:02 -0400 Original-Received: from ([2001:470:142:3::10]) by with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256) (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <>) id 1q6AZw-0004Cg-Ik for; Mon, 05 Jun 2023 09:49:00 -0400 Original-Received: from ([]) by with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256) (Exim 4.90_1) (envelope-from <>) id 1q6AZs-0002g3-E3 for; Mon, 05 Jun 2023 09:49:00 -0400 Original-Received: from list by with local (Exim 4.92) (envelope-from <>) id 1q6AZm-0000te-Da for; Mon, 05 Jun 2023 15:48:50 +0200 X-Injected-Via-Gmane: Received-SPF: pass client-ip=;; X-Spam_score_int: -16 X-Spam_score: -1.7 X-Spam_bar: - X-Spam_report: (-1.7 / 5.0 requ) BAYES_00=-1.9, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS=0.25, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001, SPF_HELO_NONE=0.001, SPF_PASS=-0.001, T_SCC_BODY_TEXT_LINE=-0.01 autolearn=no autolearn_force=no X-Spam_action: no action X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.29 Precedence: list List-Id: Emacs news and miscellaneous discussions outside the scope of other Emacs mailing lists <> List-Unsubscribe: <>, <> List-Archive: <> List-Post: <> List-Help: <> List-Subscribe: <>, <> Errors-To: Original-Sender: Xref: gmane.emacs.tangents:1023 Archived-At: <> --=-=-= Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="==-=-=" --==-=-= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 2023-06-05 Emacs news =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D - Help wanted: - [Need help with 28.3 release for security issues] (<https://lists.gnu= .org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-06/msg00136.html>) - Upcoming events: - meetup #6 2023 (online) < /events/df42cbda-6c5c-4d03-ae67-ae4a4f3e9398> Mon Jun 5 1100 America/Vancou= ver - 1300 America/Chicago - 1400 America/Toronto - 1800 Etc/GMT - 2000 Eur= ope/Berlin - 2330 Asia/Kolkata -- Tue Jun 6 0200 Asia/Singapore - EmacsATX: Emacs Social < 485/> Wed Jun 7 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 Americ= a/Toronto - 2330 Etc/GMT -- Thu Jun 8 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0500 Asia/Kolkat= a - 0730 Asia/Singapore - EmacsATX: Emacs Social < 486/> Wed Jun 7 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 Americ= a/Toronto - 2330 Etc/GMT -- Thu Jun 8 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0500 Asia/Kolkat= a - 0730 Asia/Singapore - Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) < -emacs> Fri Jun 9 1800 Europe/Paris - Mastering Emacs book club < s/> Fri Jun 9 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/= Toronto - 1900 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Jun 10 0030 Asia/Kolkata= - 0300 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club < s/> Sat Jun 10 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America= /Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asi= a/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club < s/> Sun Jun 11 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America= /Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asi= a/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club < s/> Fri Jun 16 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America= /Toronto - 1900 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Jun 17 0030 Asia/Kolkat= a - 0300 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club < s/> Sat Jun 17 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America= /Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asi= a/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club < s/> Sun Jun 18 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America= /Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asi= a/Singapore - Beginner: - [Do you also write small guides for yourself to remind you of your ow= n emacs workflows?] (< u_also_write_small_guides_for_yourself_to/>) - Highly recommend this practi= ce. Also, you can share them as blog posts! =3D) - Emacs configuration: - [A New Beginning With GNU Emacs - Configuring Emacs 01] (<https://www=>) (40:10) - [User Keys - mass rebind, keymap inspection tools [progress & feedbac= k]=E2=80=8B] (< ss_rebind_keymap_inspection_tools/>) - [Tory Anderson: Why does straight sometimes rebuild org?] (<https://t=>) - Appearance: - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: my new "spacious-padding" package] (<htt= ps://>) - [nano modeline 1.0 (now with buttons)] (< 3b1>) ([Reddit] (< line_10_now_with_buttons/>)) - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: modus-themes version 4.2.0] (<https://pr=>) - [emacsfodder/Infinite-Yak-Icons: Infinite Yaks for GNU/Emacs] (<https= ://>) ([Reddit] (<https://www.redd= or/>)) - fun app icons - Navigation: - [Perspective.el - workspaces inside of EMACS] (< om/watch?v=3DOvyP3eQyRFo>) (21:47) - Org Mode: - [What is literate programming used for?] (< macs/comments/13wuk38/what_is_literate_programming_used_for/>) - [Is orgmode really that much better than an equivalent workflow using= vim + other tools?] (< _orgmode_really_that_much_better_than_an/>) (check out this [comment] (<htt= ps:// =3Dreddit&utm_medium=3Dweb2x&context=3D3>) with a nicely-linked workflow de= scription) - [Marcin Borkowski: Org agenda clock check] (< -03_Org_agenda_clock_check>) - [Org Mode Archive File | Clean Up Your Logbook] (< .com/watch?v=3D_34OVueqYNU>) (06:24) - [Irreal: Org Remark] (<>) - [Org-mode - Best beamer resources] (< =3Dtwta2YMmJl0>) (09:27) - [New Package: org-roam-ql - use org-ql with org-roam] (<https://www.r= roam/>) - Mail, news, and chat: - [Literate configuration of Elfeed] (< eed-literate-config/>) ([Reddit] (< 13za1q5/literate_configuration_of_elfeed/>)) - [Irreal: Elfeed-webkit Update] (<>) - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] (< mments/13wg436/weekly_tips_tricks_c_thread/>) - Other: - [Everyday editor extensions in Emacs] (< /everyday-editor-extensions-in-emacs-mmf>) - [James Dyer: Quickly Deleting Duplicate Blank Lines] (<https://www.em= ate-lines/>) - [Warp Factor Refactoring in Emacs] (< 3-05-31_warp_factor_refactor/>) ([Reddit] (< comments/13xm4ed/warp_factor_refactoring_in_emacs/>), [Irreal] (<https://ir=>)) - [Three important distinctions in Emacs: mini-buffer and echo, mark an= d point, window and frame] (<>= ) (07:01) - Emacs development: - emacs-devel: - [Proposal for C-x 4 prefix for doing things in other windows, inclu= ding help] (< 4.html>) - [Thinking about multiple inheritance and derived modes] (<https://l=>) - [Atom backend for Gnus (nnatom)] (< ml/emacs-devel/2023-05/msg00695.html>) - [Continued discussion of a build system, with lots of discussion ab= out the risks of following a cargo-type model] (< ive/html/emacs-devel/2023-05/msg00569.html>) - [* subr-x (eval-command-interactive-spec): New function.] (<https://g= 9cb13cb0aeba7086c2d9e>) - ['describe-function' shows function inferred type when available] (<h= ttps:// 9d006838ca514213ea5e46a459363>) - [Update modus-themes to their version 4.2.0] (<https://git.savannah.g= 15bc0368>) - New packages: - auth-source-1password <>: 1p= assword integration for auth-source (MELPA) - cue-sheet-mode <>: Major mode for e= diting CUE sheet files (MELPA) - dwim-coder-mode <>: DWIM keybindin= gs for programming modes (MELPA) - firefox-javascript-repl < ript-repl.html>: Jack into Firefox (GNU ELPA) - fixed-page-mode <>: A fixed page l= ength mode (MELPA) - fpga <>: FPGA & ASIC Utils (MELPA) - lesim-mode <>: Major mode for Learning = Simulator scripts (MELPA) - listenbrainz <>: ListenBrainz API int= erface (MELPA) - media-progress-dired <>: Disp= lay position where media player stopped in dired buffer (MELPA) - media-progress-dirvish <>: = Display position where media player stopped in dirvish (MELPA) - media-progress <>: Display position= where media player stopped (MELPA) - modaled <>: Build your own minor modes for= modal editing (MELPA) - mpvi <>: Integrated video tool based on EMMS = and MPV (MELPA) - musicbrainz <>: MusicBrainz API interf= ace (MELPA) - org-bulletproof <>: Automatic plai= n list bullet cycling (MELPA) - org-jami-bot <>: Capture GNU Jami mes= sages as notes and todos in Org mode (MELPA) - raycast-mode <>: Develop Raycast Exte= nsions (MELPA) - selcand <>: Select a candidate from a tree= of hint characters (MELPA) - spacious-padding < >: Increase the padding/spacing of frames and windows (GNU ELPA) - sumibi <>: Japanese input method powered by= ChatGPT API (MELPA) - ulisp-repl <>: uLisp REP= L (GNU ELPA) Links from [] (<>), [r/or= gmode] (<>), [r/spacemacs] (<>), [r/planetemacs] (< acs>), [Hacker News] (< prefix&page=3D0&dateRange=3Dall&type=3Dstory>), [] (<https://lobst=>), [lemmy] (<https://le=>), [] (<>), = [YouTube] (< oMuX7Ar7Sdt>), [the Emacs NEWS file] (< cs.git/log/etc/NEWS>), [Emacs Calendar] (<>)= , and [emacs-devel] (< >). Thanks to Andr=C3=A9s Ram=C3=ADrez for emacs-devel links. Do you have a= n Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [sacha@sachachua.= com] (<>). Thank you! =20=20=20=20 You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: s-tangents =20=20=20=20 --==-=-= Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <div id=3D"outline-container-org225585f" class=3D"outline-3"> <h3 id=3D"org225585f">2023-06-05 Emacs news</h3> <div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org225585f"> <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li>Help wanted: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D" 136.html">Need help with 28.3 release for security issues</a></li> </ul></li> <li>Upcoming events: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li> meetup #6 2023 (online) <a href=3D"https://dogodki.k=">https://dogodki.kompo=</a> Mon Jun 5 1100 America= /Vancouver - 1300 America/Chicago - 1400 America/Toronto - 1800 Etc/GMT - 2= 000 Europe/Berlin - 2330 Asia/Kolkata – Tue Jun 6 0200 Asia/Singapor= e</li> <li>EmacsATX: Emacs Social <a href=3D" s/291488485/"></a> Wed Jun= 7 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 America/Toronto - 2= 330 Etc/GMT – Thu Jun 8 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0500 Asia/Kolkata - 073= 0 Asia/Singapore</li> <li>EmacsATX: Emacs Social <a href=3D" s/291488486/"></a> Wed Jun= 7 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 America/Toronto - 2= 330 Etc/GMT – Thu Jun 8 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0500 Asia/Kolkata - 073= 0 Asia/Singapore</li> <li>Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) <a href=3D" /atelier-emacs"></a> Fri Jun 9 1800 Eur= ope/Paris</li> <li>Mastering Emacs book club <a href=3D" ing-emacs/"></a> Fri Jun 9 1200= America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 1900 Etc= /GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin – Sat Jun 10 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 Asia= /Singapore</li> <li>Mastering Emacs book club <a href=3D" ing-emacs/"></a> Sat Jun 10 020= 0 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Et= c/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore</li> <li>Mastering Emacs book club <a href=3D" ing-emacs/"></a> Sun Jun 11 020= 0 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Et= c/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore</li> <li>Mastering Emacs book club <a href=3D" ing-emacs/"></a> Fri Jun 16 120= 0 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 1900 Et= c/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin – Sat Jun 17 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 Asi= a/Singapore</li> <li>Mastering Emacs book club <a href=3D" ing-emacs/"></a> Sat Jun 17 020= 0 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Et= c/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore</li> <li>Mastering Emacs book club <a href=3D" ing-emacs/"></a> Sun Jun 18 020= 0 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Et= c/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore</li> </ul></li> <li>Beginner: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D" write_small_guides_for_yourself_to/">Do you also write small guides for you= rself to remind you of your own emacs workflows?</a> - Highly recommend thi= s practice. Also, you can share them as blog posts! =3D)</li> </ul></li> <li>Emacs configuration: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D"">A New Beginni= ng With GNU Emacs - Configuring Emacs 01</a> (40:10)</li> <li><a href=3D" ss_rebind_keymap_inspection_tools/">User Keys - mass rebind, keymap inspect= ion tools [progress & feedback]=E2=80=8B</a></li> <li><a href=3D" ometimes-rebuild-org/">Tory Anderson: Why does straight sometimes rebuild o= rg?</a></li> </ul></li> <li>Appearance: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D" dding/">Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: my new "spacious-padding" package</a></= li> <li><a href=3D"">nano modeline 1.0 (now with= buttons)</a> (<a href=3D" ano_modeline_10_now_with_buttons/">Reddit</a>)</li> <li><a href=3D" 0/">Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: modus-themes version 4.2.0</a></li> <li><a href=3D"">emacsfodd= er/Infinite-Yak-Icons: Infinite Yaks for GNU/Emacs</a> (<a href=3D"https://= e_yaks_for/">Reddit</a>) - fun app icons</li> </ul></li> <li>Navigation: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D"">Perspective.e= l - workspaces inside of EMACS</a> (21:47)</li> </ul></li> <li>Org Mode: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D" rate_programming_used_for/">What is literate programming used for?</a></li> <li><a href=3D" _really_that_much_better_than_an/">Is orgmode really that much better than = an equivalent workflow using vim + other tools?</a> (check out this <a href= =3D" source=3Dreddit&utm_medium=3Dweb2x&context=3D3">comment</a> with a = nicely-linked workflow description)</li> <li><a href=3D"">Marcin B= orkowski: Org agenda clock check</a></li> <li><a href=3D"">Org Mode Arch= ive File | Clean Up Your Logbook</a> (06:24)</li> <li><a href=3D"">Irreal: Org Remark</a></= li> <li><a href=3D"">Org-mode - Be= st beamer resources</a> (09:27)</li> <li><a href=3D" orgroamql_use_orgql_with_orgroam/">New Package: org-roam-ql - use org-ql wi= th org-roam</a></li> </ul></li> <li>Mail, news, and chat: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D"">Litera= te configuration of Elfeed</a> (<a href=3D" omments/13za1q5/literate_configuration_of_elfeed/">Reddit</a>)</li> <li><a href=3D"">Irreal: Elfeed-webkit Up= date</a></li> </ul></li> <li>Community: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D" tricks_c_thread/">Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread</a></li> </ul></li> <li>Other: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D" emacs-mmf">Everyday editor extensions in Emacs</a></li> <li><a href=3D" macs--quickly-deleting-duplicate-lines/">James Dyer: Quickly Deleting Dupli= cate Blank Lines</a></li> <li><a href=3D" /">Warp Factor Refactoring in Emacs</a> (<a href=3D" r/emacs/comments/13xm4ed/warp_factor_refactoring_in_emacs/">Reddit</a>, <a = href=3D"">Irreal</a>)</li> <li><a href=3D"">Three importa= nt distinctions in Emacs: mini-buffer and echo, mark and point, window and = frame</a> (07:01)</li> </ul></li> <li>Emacs development: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li>emacs-devel: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a href=3D" 014.html">Proposal for C-x 4 prefix for doing things in other windows, incl= uding help</a></li> <li><a href=3D" 000.html">Thinking about multiple inheritance and derived modes</a></li> <li><a href=3D" 695.html">Atom backend for Gnus (nnatom)</a></li> <li><a href=3D" 569.html">Continued discussion of a build system, with lots of discussion a= bout the risks of following a cargo-type model</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href=3D" id=3Da30781399b3ef48150b9cb13cb0aeba7086c2d9e">* subr-x (eval-command-inter= active-spec): New function.</a></li> <li><a href=3D" id=3Decc1d990d9e9d006838ca514213ea5e46a459363">'describe-function' shows fu= nction inferred type when available</a></li> <li><a href=3D" id=3Dcb1ee63e2aea573d67e2d495d6b5937a15bc0368">Update modus-themes to their= version 4.2.0</a></li> </ul></li> <li>New packages: <ul class=3D"org-ul"> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D""= >auth-source-1password</a>: 1password integration for auth-source (MELPA)</= li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">cue-sh= eet-mode</a>: Major mode for editing CUE sheet files (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">dwim-= coder-mode</a>: DWIM keybindings for programming modes (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D" script-repl.html">firefox-javascript-repl</a>: Jack into Firefox (GNU ELPA)= </li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">fixed= -page-mode</a>: A fixed page length mode (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">fpga</a>: FPGA &= amp; ASIC Utils (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">lesim-mode= </a>: Major mode for Learning Simulator scripts (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">listenbr= ainz</a>: ListenBrainz API interface (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">= media-progress-dired</a>: Display position where media player stopped in di= red buffer (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D" ">media-progress-dirvish</a>: Display position where media player stopped i= n dirvish (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">media-= progress</a>: Display position where media player stopped (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">modaled</a>: = Build your own minor modes for modal editing (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">mpvi</a>: Integr= ated video tool based on EMMS and MPV (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">musicbrai= nz</a>: MusicBrainz API interface (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">org-b= ulletproof</a>: Automatic plain list bullet cycling (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">org-jami= -bot</a>: Capture GNU Jami messages as notes and todos in Org mode (MELPA)<= /li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">raycast-= mode</a>: Develop Raycast Extensions (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">selcand</a>: = Select a candidate from a tree of hint characters (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D" ding.html">spacious-padding</a>: Increase the padding/spacing of frames and= windows (GNU ELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D"">sumibi</a>: Ja= panese input method powered by ChatGPT API (MELPA)</li> <li><a target=3D"_blank" href=3D" tml">ulisp-repl</a>: uLisp REPL (GNU ELPA)</li> </ul></li> </ul> <p> Links from <a href=3D""></a= >, <a href=3D"">r/orgmode</a>, <a href=3D"h= ttps://">r/spacemacs</a>, <a href=3D"https://www.=">r/planetemacs</a>, <a href=3D"https://hn.algolia.= com/?query=3Demacs&sort=3DbyDate&prefix&page=3D0&dateRange= =3Dall&type=3Dstory">Hacker News</a>, <a href=3D" ch?q=3Demacs&what=3Dstories&order=3Dnewest"></a>, <a href= =3D"">lemmy</a>, <a href=3D"https://planet.emacslif="></a>, <a href=3D" t?list=3DPL4th0AZixyREOtvxDpdxC9oMuX7Ar7Sdt">YouTube</a>, <a href=3D"http:/= /">the Emacs NEWS file</a>,= <a href=3D"">Emacs Calendar</a>, and <a hre= f=3D"">emacs-devel</a>= . Thanks to Andr=C3=A9s Ram=C3=ADrez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an = Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at <a href=3D"mailto:s="></a>. Thank you!</p> </div> </div> =20=20=20=20 <p>You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list.<b= r /> <a href=3D"">View = list info/unsubscribe</a></p> =20=20=20=20 =20=20=20=20 --==-=-=-- --=-=-= Content-Type: text/x-org; charset=utf-8; Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit * 2023-06-05 Emacs news - Help wanted: - [[][Need help with 28.3 release for security issues]] - Upcoming events: - meetup #6 2023 (online) Mon Jun 5 1100 America/Vancouver - 1300 America/Chicago - 1400 America/Toronto - 1800 Etc/GMT - 2000 Europe/Berlin - 2330 Asia/Kolkata -- Tue Jun 6 0200 Asia/Singapore - EmacsATX: Emacs Social Wed Jun 7 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 America/Toronto - 2330 Etc/GMT -- Thu Jun 8 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0500 Asia/Kolkata - 0730 Asia/Singapore - EmacsATX: Emacs Social Wed Jun 7 1630 America/Vancouver - 1830 America/Chicago - 1930 America/Toronto - 2330 Etc/GMT -- Thu Jun 8 0130 Europe/Berlin - 0500 Asia/Kolkata - 0730 Asia/Singapore - Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) Fri Jun 9 1800 Europe/Paris - Mastering Emacs book club Fri Jun 9 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 1900 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Jun 10 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Sat Jun 10 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Sun Jun 11 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Fri Jun 16 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 1900 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Jun 17 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Sat Jun 17 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Sun Jun 18 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore - Beginner: - [[][Do you also write small guides for yourself to remind you of your own emacs workflows?]] - Highly recommend this practice. Also, you can share them as blog posts! =) - Emacs configuration: - [[][A New Beginning With GNU Emacs - Configuring Emacs 01]] (40:10) - [[][User Keys - mass rebind, keymap inspection tools [progress & feedback]]] - [[][Tory Anderson: Why does straight sometimes rebuild org?]] - Appearance: - [[][Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: my new "spacious-padding" package]] - [[][nano modeline 1.0 (now with buttons)]] ([[][Reddit]]) - [[][Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: modus-themes version 4.2.0]] - [[][emacsfodder/Infinite-Yak-Icons: Infinite Yaks for GNU/Emacs]] ([[][Reddit]]) - fun app icons - Navigation: - [[][Perspective.el - workspaces inside of EMACS]] (21:47) - Org Mode: - [[][What is literate programming used for?]] - [[][Is orgmode really that much better than an equivalent workflow using vim + other tools?]] (check out this [[][comment]] with a nicely-linked workflow description) - [[][Marcin Borkowski: Org agenda clock check]] - [[][Org Mode Archive File | Clean Up Your Logbook]] (06:24) - [[][Irreal: Org Remark]] - [[][Org-mode - Best beamer resources]] (09:27) - [[][New Package: org-roam-ql - use org-ql with org-roam]] - Mail, news, and chat: - [[][Literate configuration of Elfeed]] ([[][Reddit]]) - [[][Irreal: Elfeed-webkit Update]] - Community: - [[][Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread]] - Other: - [[][Everyday editor extensions in Emacs]] - [[][James Dyer: Quickly Deleting Duplicate Blank Lines]] - [[][Warp Factor Refactoring in Emacs]] ([[][Reddit]], [[][Irreal]]) - [[][Three important distinctions in Emacs: mini-buffer and echo, mark and point, window and frame]] (07:01) - Emacs development: - emacs-devel: - [[][Proposal for C-x 4 prefix for doing things in other windows, including help]] - [[][Thinking about multiple inheritance and derived modes]] - [[][Atom backend for Gnus (nnatom)]] - [[][Continued discussion of a build system, with lots of discussion about the risks of following a cargo-type model]] - [[][* subr-x (eval-command-interactive-spec): New function.]] - [[]['describe-function' shows function inferred type when available]] - [[][Update modus-themes to their version 4.2.0]] - New packages: - 1password integration for auth-source (MELPA) - Major mode for editing CUE sheet files (MELPA) - DWIM keybindings for programming modes (MELPA) - Jack into Firefox (GNU ELPA) - A fixed page length mode (MELPA) - FPGA & ASIC Utils (MELPA) - Major mode for Learning Simulator scripts (MELPA) - ListenBrainz API interface (MELPA) - Display position where media player stopped in dired buffer (MELPA) - Display position where media player stopped in dirvish (MELPA) - Display position where media player stopped (MELPA) - Build your own minor modes for modal editing (MELPA) - Integrated video tool based on EMMS and MPV (MELPA) - MusicBrainz API interface (MELPA) - Automatic plain list bullet cycling (MELPA) - Capture GNU Jami messages as notes and todos in Org mode (MELPA) - Develop Raycast Extensions (MELPA) - Select a candidate from a tree of hint characters (MELPA) - Increase the padding/spacing of frames and windows (GNU ELPA) - Japanese input method powered by ChatGPT API (MELPA) - uLisp REPL (GNU ELPA) Links from [[][]], [[][r/orgmode]], [[][r/spacemacs]], [[][r/planetemacs]], [[][Hacker News]], [[][]], [[][lemmy]], [[][]], [[][YouTube]], [[][the Emacs NEWS file]], [[][Emacs Calendar]], and [[][emacs-devel]]. Tha nks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [[][]]. Thank you! You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. [[][View list info/unsubscribe]] --=-=-=--