2022-01-31 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - M-x Research (contact them for password): "Functional programming: an (Emacs) Lisp view (1/n)" Tue Feb 1 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1600 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2130 Kolkata -- Wed Feb 2 0000 Singapore - Emacs Paris (virtual, in French) Tue Feb 1 0830 Vancouver / 1030 Chicago / 1130 Toronto / 1630 GMT / 1730 Berlin / 2200 Kolkata -- Wed Feb 2 0030 Singapore - EmacsATX: Emacs Social Wed Feb 2 1630 Vancouver / 1830 Chicago / 1930 Toronto -- Thu Feb 3 0030 GMT / 0130 Berlin / 0600 Kolkata / 0830 Singapore - Beginner: - [What's the best way to learn Emacs?] () - [Learn Emacs by asking it questions [OC]​] () ([Reddit] ()) - [The Basics of Emacs Configuration - YouTube] () (24:12) - [What's a good way to learn the available keybindings?] () - [How to Setup a Chromebook (with Emacs) for Python, C, and C++] () (10:33) - [Why is it hard to get started with elisp in emacs] () - [Emacs | Editores de Texto 🇧🇷] () (19:32) - Emacs configuration: - [Emacs from Source Part 1: use-package and evil-mode] () (09:05) - [Replacing straight.el with Nix to manage emacs packages] () - [Tips/Tricks for avoiding a clusterfuck config & putting it on autopilot?] () - [Finding the best style of literate emacs configuration] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Ode to the toggle] () (2014, [Reddit] ()) - [Bad Emacs Advice] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] ()) - Emacs Lisp: - [Emacs Lisp Community Workshop] () - [Why eev has a weird elisp tutorial and how to use it] () ([YouTube] ()) - Appearance: - [Temple-macs] () - Navigation: - [Emacs TIL: Search something in sub-directory only] () - [Irreal: Combining Find and Grep in Emacs] () - [New Plugin: Harpoon] () - Bookmarks separated by project and branch for quick navigate between your working files - [Emacs from Source Part 3: Managing Windows with winum (and treemacs)] () (09:11) - [Escalate your helm searches!] () ([Reddit] ()) - [[ANN] zk: a zettelkasten-style note-taking package, with minimal dependencies] () - [Magnus: Keeping Projectile's cache tidy] () - Org Mode: - *[This Month in Org: January 2022] ()* - [Gettting Things Done Simply – With Org Mode] () - [Marcin Borkowski: Journaling with Org-mode] () - [Emacs and Org Mode Free Tutorials | Blackberry Boy] () - [Org-mode - Exclude subtree from agenda] () (03:15) - [Org-mode - Be efficient with SETUPFILE] () (05:25) - [org-habit-report : Emacs package for org-habit-reports] () - [Org-remark User Manual. Org-remark lets you highlight and annotate any text file with using Org mode.] () - [Org-mode - Start slide from current subtree] () (03:55) - Clocking: - [[ANN] org-arbeitszeit: Calculate your working hours from your clocked time] () ([Reddit] ()) - [How I Track My Hour Balance with a Custom org-mode Clock Table] () ([Reddit] ()) - [agenda: Add header to agenda clock report table] () - Org Roam: - [How I Take Notes with Org-roam] () ([Reddit] ()) - Jethro Kuan - [Abusing org-roam as a personal CRM] () (00:57, [Reddit] ()) - Import, export, and integration: - [Org-mode - Let us start using LaTex] () (09:54) - [William Denton: LaTeX letters in Org] () ([Reddit] ()) - [org_flutter: Org Mode widgets for Flutter] () - [Writing literate API documentation in Emacs org-mode.] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] ()) - [Browser-based Productivity and PKM with emacs, org-mode, LogSeq and BrainTool] () (05:57, [HN] ()) - ['EasyOrg' is like Emacs Org mode, but with more user friendliness] () ([Reddit] ()) - Completion: - [Emacs from Source Part 2: vertico, orderless, and marginalia] () (19:23) - Coding: - [[ANN] hl-prog-extra now supports doc-strings/comments & includes language presets] () - [emacs-run-command-recipes: A collection of recipes to `emacs-run-command`] () - [emacs IDE #8 🚀 flycheck( ESLint ) and yasnippets (SNIPPETS) [ES]​] () (22:22) - [Web mode and Emmet Mode on Gnu/Emacs] () (04:16) - Web: - [yuri tricys: How to Use EWW Browser in Emacs [and What it Isn't Good For]​] () - Multimedia: - [GNU Emacs: A multimedia editor] () ([Reddit] (), [emacs-devel] ()) - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - [#emacs on Nitter] () - Other: - [dtache - Version 0.4] () - [kmacro-mc.el: Emacs multiple cursors emulation with keyboard macros] () - [tb-keycast: Emacs keycast minor mode that shows pressed keys in tab bar line] () - [Building Emacs with Native Compilation and libgccjit from the AUR] () (14:21) - [The Best Emacs Build on macOS] () - [Corwin Brust: Packaging Emacs for Windows] () - Emacs development: - emacs-devel: - Discussion about the [file menu] () and the [new unsaved buffers dialog] () - [Discussion about annotation modes] () - [seccomp-related issues] () with sandboxed Emacs - NEWS: - [* etc/NEWS: Announce the 'alpha-background' frame parameter.] () - [Allow redirecting `message' output to a different buffer] () - [Fix unrelated help text tooltips if a popup is shown during the delay] () - [Allow key to delete entire grapheme clusters] () - [Add new switch --init-directory] () - [Add Eshell syntax to more easily bypass Eshell's own pipelining] () - [Add NEWS entry for term-clear-full-screen-programs] () - [* etc/NEWS: Mention 'replace-regexp-function' (bug#52558).] () - New packages: - dtache : Run and interact with detached shell commands - chezmoi : A package for interacting with chezmoi - nxml-uxml : MicroXML support for nXML - org-arbeitszeit : Calculate your worktime - rhq : Client for rhq - run-command-recipes : This is collection of recipes to `run-command' - unmodified-buffer : Auto revert modified buffer state - zk : Functions for working with Zettelkasten-style linked notes Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), [emacs-devel] (), and [lemmy/c/emacs] (). 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