2024-10-07 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - OrgMeetup (virtual) Thu Oct 10 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100 America/Chicago - 1200 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1800 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata -- Fri Oct 11 0000 Asia/Singapore - Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) Fri Oct 11 1800 Europe/Paris - M-x Research: TBA Wed Oct 16 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1500 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2030 Asia/Kolkata - 2300 Asia/Singapore - Beginner: - [🤪 emacs tutorial] () (06:20) - [Understanding Emacs modes - YouTube] () (58:19) - [Wizbango Episode 3 [Emacs Basics]​] () (27:02) - [Emacs link map] () ([@sacha@social.sachachua.com] ()) - [¿Se sigue utilizando y desarrollando GNU Emacs en 2024? Una "Breve" Intro de solo 2 horas] () (02:08:53) - [Emacs 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] () (03:36) (in Spanish; part of a series) - Emacs configuration: - [[Emacs-Kicks Project] - For all Neovim users - Seeking Feedback & Interest!] () - [Request for Comment: Casual Package Consolidation] () ([@kickingvegas@sfba.social] ()) - [mehrad/.emacs.d: This is my attempt to put together my own emacs config] () ([@Mehrad@fosstodon.org] ()) - [patrickdelliott's Emacs Config] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Major Mode Comfort Functions, Because I'm Lazy] () - how to add a mode to autoloads and auto-mode-alist - [[ANN] f.el v0.21.0 has been released!] () ([Reddit] ()) file times, mkdir path, shortdoc - [Aprendendo Emacs Lisp - Corte 5: Jogo da adivinhação] () (01:07:41) - Appearance: - [pulsic.el - Temporarily highlight the current line on window state change] () ([Reddit] ()) - [James Dyer: Syncing Tab Theme After Theme Load] () - [Listing and setting installed coding/monospaced fonts function for your Emacs] () - Navigation: - [Simple ripgrep integration that reuses grep-mode] () ([@jroimartin@fosstodon.org] ()) - [Combine orgrr-search and metasearch-search-set] () ([@laotang@mastodon.social] ()) - [rtrppl/metasearch: Metasearch for Emacs] () ([@laotang@mastodon.social] ()) - [project-root-initialize] () - [Avyならなんでもできる | Emacs JP] () - Writing: - [[pdf] A quick guide on writing a book with Emacs Org-mode.] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Writing with Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Org Mode: - [SUMMARY - #11 bbb:OrgMeetup on Wed, Sep 11, 19:00 UTC+3 - Ihor Radchenko] () ([@yantar92@fosstodon.org] ()) - [Beginner tip about tagging Org Mode headings and filtering them] () - [Save buffer automatically with org-clock-out] () ([@mocom@mastodon.social] ()) - [Literate Org Haskell] () - [nix-shell-in-emacs-org-mode] () - [Ross A. Baker: Creating and Styling Callouts in Hugo] () ([@shom@fosstodon.org] ()) - also ox-hugo - Denote: - [denote-capture] () - [Bibliographic Notes with the citar-denote Emacs Package] () - Completion: - [Corfu section of an Emacs tutorial] () ([@tristanC@functional.cafe] ()) - [From Ivy To Vert&co – Tristan's Zettelkasten] () - [xvw - Expansion d'abréviations avec YASnippet] () - Coding: - [Emacs for Python and Poetry Using `basedpyright-langserver`] () ([@webbureaucrat@floss.social] ()) - [Extending Emacs's Go Tree Sitter Mode’s Imenu Function to Include Test Run // Take on Rules] () ([@takeonrules@dice.camp] ()) - [martianh/tp.el: Transient utilities for POSTing to an API] () ([@mousebot@todon.nl] ()) - [`cargo-jump-xref.el`: Help you jump to cargo dependency's source file in `Cargo.toml` file] () - Math: - [[karthink] Emacs 💜 LaTeX] () (14:13, [Reddit] ()) - also Org Mode and Calc, very cool ([@ctietze] (), [@Nidish96@emacs.ch] ()) - [More LaTeX productivity tips] () - [Emacs/math/latex twitch stream] () - Shells: - [Customizing Emacs And Eshell - DT LIVE] () (01:08:51) - Web: - [Open with EWW - The Great SummerEmacs Blog] () ([Reddit] (), [@summeremacs@fashionsocial.host] ()) - Mail, news, and chat: - [Opening a remote mbox file from Emacs] () ([@jroimartin@fosstodon.org] ()) - Fun: - [my-3x4-mode: Pseudofonts in Emacs.] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Zalgo Mode - A Minor mode for writing spooky looking text] () - AI: - [llm-apply.el: Modify buffer contents via LLMs] () - [Introduce aider (AI programming in terminal), and emacs binding for it, aider.el] () - [Go talk to the LLM] () ([lobste.rs] ()) - [最強ローカルLLM実行環境としてのEmacs] () - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - ERT run at point - [5 Reasons Why I Love and Use Emacs in Linux - Make Tech Easier] () ([@governa@fosstodon.org] ()) - [What are some advantages to using Emacs as a newbie?] () - [On vim vs Emacs] () - Steve Purcell: emacs can be vim - [Irreal: Why Emacs: The View From Vim] () - Other: - [Jiewawa: Useful Emacs commands for reading] () - [Recommending side-notes and dot-mode] () - [Emacs as Menu for Shell Commands, Passwords and Bluetooth Connections] () (01:04, [@mekeor@mastodon.catgirl.cloud] ()) - [Recording and screenshotting windows: the lazy way] () - macosrec - [How to get railwaycat's Mitsuharu 29.4 port in homebrew (Mac OS X)] () - [PSA Night and day Mac Emacs builds: caldwell (night) vs. jimeh (day)] () - [Emacs-plus PATH in macOS Sequoia | The Art Of Not Asking Why] () ([@jtr@fosstodon.org] ()) - Emacs development: - emacs-devel: - [Discussion about preconfigured Emacs] () - [Preview of tty child frames in scratch/tty-child-frames] () - [Add a shortcut to go up in the menu hierarchy.] () - [Add file/buffer-to-register (Bug#73308)] () - [; * etc/NEWS: Document Python electric-layout-mode support.] () - [Add imenu index function for DjVu files in doc-view] () - [New minor mode find-function-mode replaces find-function-setup-keys] () - [Add commands to interactively set/unset keyboard translations] () - [New M-~ entry in save-some-buffers-action-alist] () - [New function shell-command-do-open] () - [New value 'permanent-only' for defcustom :local keyword] () - [New command diff-delete-other-hunks] () - New packages: - bitbake-ts-mode : A major mode to use bitbake tree-sitter (MELPA) - corsair : Text accumulation enhancements for GPTel (MELPA) - flymake-biome : A flymake plugin for SQL files using biome (MELPA) - genexpr-mode : Major mode for editing GenExpr files (MELPA) - varuga : Send ical calendar invites by email (MELPA) Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Mastodon #emacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [lobste.rs] (), [programming.dev] (), [lemmy.world] (), [lemmy.ml] (), [communick.news] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), and [emacs-devel] (). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [sacha@sachachua.com] (). Thank you!