2021-01-18 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - [Jan 20, 2021 8pm-10pm GMT+1: Emacs Frankfurt (virtual)] () - [Jan 23, 2021 14:00 IST: Emacs APAC (virtual, in English)] () - Emacs configuration: - [What parts of your config do you like best?] () - [How do guys include secrets in their init.el?] () - [How to Encrypt Your Passwords with Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Grouped bindings in which-key] () - [Emacsclient Setup with Desktop Integration] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs configuration created for heavy Orgmode users among non-programmers.] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Types, Conditionals, and Loops - Learning Emacs Lisp #2 (LIVE 1/15, 9:30 am PST)] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Tory Anderson: Applying a replacement map to characters in emacs] () - [A rabbit hole full of Lisp] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Irreal: Yesterday's Date] () - [flashcode/impostman – Import of Postman collections in Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs development: - [emacs-ng: Deno's Javascript and Async I/O environment, Mozilla's Webrender (experimental opt-in feature), and others] () - [Improve support for the Cham script and languages] () - [* lisp/emacs-lisp/pcase.el: Add support for `not` to `pred`] () - [Add a new function 'buffer-line-statistics'] () - [Add a new variable `inhibit-interaction'] () - [Mark previous erc-services change as not needing documentation] () - [Support using auth-source for NickServ passwords in ERC] () - Appearance: - [reasoning about colors] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Modus themes: review of select "faint" colours] () - [RFC: theme emacs with a 6-color palette with semantics theming] () - [gunmetal-theme.el] () ([Reddit] ()) - [[ANN] Blight, a library to control display backlighting] () - Navigation: - [Emacs xref-rst package demo] () - [fuzzy-find-in-project: Emacs bindings to the fuzzy_file_finder gem] () - Org Mode: - [Org Agenda As My New Tab Page] () ([Reddit] ()) - [4 Years with Literate Configuration] () ([Reddit] ()) - [“Programming ≈ Proving” - Org-mode lists as proof trees] () ([Reddit] ()) - [AC-Circuits solver] () - [org-html-themify: Themify org-mode HTML export with installed color theme.] () - [org-linguistics.el: WIP convenience stuff for linguistics (for now three special blocks for simple trees, glosses and enumerated sentences w/o touching LaTeX)] () - [Publicar html con org-mode] () - Coding: - [Andrea: Emacs as your code-compass: let history show you which files to edit next] () - [Remote LSP Mode] () - [[ANN] code-cells: Open Jupyter notebooks directly in Emacs] () - [I created a gist with a full python config with Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [gerrit.el: Interact with the gerrit code review service from emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Andrea: Coverlay for Scala, or how to produce lcov from cobertura] () - Mail and news: - [search-gmail-using-message-id: The emacs-lisp function is to search gmail using a Message ID.] () - [Irreal: Setting Up Mu4e] () - Community: - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - [The values of Emacs, the Neovim revolution, and the VSCode gorilla] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] ()) - [What is the one thing that Emacs should do differently? Top responses from Emacs Survey Analysis 2020.] () - Other: - [Sanel Zukan: Edit files in (remote) Docker containers] () - [emacs-gcc-wayland-devel-builder: Emacs with native compilation ("gcc") + Wayland support] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Marcin Borkowski: Deleting last entry from the kill ring] () - [voicemacs: 🗣️ Utilities for controlling Emacs with your voice. Not production-ready, but you can use it as a reference.] () - [SchemeMosaic demo video with EIEIO Wizards, Beatboxing, Beat slicing, and Neural Networks] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)] () - New packages: - avy-embark-collect : Use avy to jump to Embark Collect entries - code-cells : Work with code split into cells and Jupyter notebooks - counsel-edit-mode : Edit results of counsel commands in-place - embark-consult : Consult integration for Embark - flycheck-hledger : Flycheck module to check hledger journals - holy-books : Org-mode links/tooltips/lookups for Quran & Bible - indent-control : Management for indentation level - virtual-comment : Virtual Comments Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] () and [emacs-devel] (). You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents