2021-01-11 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - [Livestream: Keeping organized with Emacs and Orgmode, by Henrique Castro] () - Thu Jan 14 1030H EST / 1530H UTC / 1630H CET / 2100H IST / 2330H +08 - [EmacsFFM: Creating our own major mode (virtual)] () - Wed Jan 20 1400H EST / 1900H UTC / 2000H CET / Thu Jan 21 0030H IST / 0300H +08 - [Emacs APAC: Announcing Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup, Saturday, January 23, 2021] () - Beginner: - [A Vim user's introduction to Emacs] () (March 2020) - [5 Reasons to Learn Emacs in 2021] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs configuration: - [Witchmacs: My emacs configuration files] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Marcin Borkowski: Current Emacs commit revisited] () - [Introduction to Emacs Lisp - Fundamentals (LIVE 1/8 9:15 am PST)] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs development: - [New command xref-quit-and-pop-marker-stack] () - [Fix incompleteness in the implementation of minibuffer-follows-selected-frame] () - [Respect message-forward-ignored-headers more] () - [Default python-shell-interpreter to python3] () - [Add support for 'process-attributes' on OpenBSD] () - [Add support for flat buttons] () - [* lisp/tab-bar.el: Improve tab-bar-show (bug#45556)] () - [Add a display-buffer window selection function that's more like XEmacs] () - [* lisp/tab-bar.el (tab-bar-tab-name-format-function): New defcustom.] () - [Pretty-print keys without <> around modifiers (bug#45536)] () - [perl-mode: Display here-docs as strings instead of comments] () - Appearance: - [Ben Simon: Seeing All The Pretty Colors: optimizing emacs + screen + Secure Shell Chrome App] () - Navigation: - [ffipf - quickly jump to file in a project with a native module] () ([Reddit] ()) - [[ANN] 'xref-rst' for reStructuredText cross-references on melpa] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Dired-auto-readme - Automatically display Readme files in dired buffers.] () ([Reddit] ()) - Org Mode: - [[ANN] elegant-agenda-mode landed on MELPA] () ([Reddit] ()) - [org-menu: A discoverable menu for Emacs org-mode using transient] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Irreal: Group Tags in Org-mode] () - [org-msg 3.1 HTML email composer has been published] () - [Corwin Brust: The Automation Begins] () - [ox-bb, Org exporter for BBCode] () - [Uniorg — I wrote an org-mode parser for js] () - [Corwin Brust: Overdozing Rx] () - Completion: - [Selectrum, Prescient, Consult, Embark - getting started] () - [Emacs: completion framework (Embark, Consult, Orderless, etc.)] () ([Reddit] (), [post] ()) - [Emacs: Embark and my extras] () ([Reddit] ()) - [My selectrum, prescient, consult and embark configuration] () - [tycho garen: Better Company] () - Coding: - [[Tutorial] Configuring Emacs as a Clojure IDE - LSP Mode] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs - Guile Hacker Handbook] () ([also in French] ()) - [Emacs as your code-compass: how related are these modules?] () - [Rust por encima, comparando con erlang] () (Includes configuring Emacs for Rust) - Mail and news: - [Managing Multiple Email Accounts with mu4e - Emacs Mail] () ([Reddit] ()) - Evil Mode: - [Introducing Plus-Minus] (): working on numbers like Vim - Doom Emacs: - [spacemacs_module_for_doom: Aim to port spacemacs features (defaults keybinding, transient state and layers) to doom, and provides a spacemacs module for doom.] () - Community: - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - [I am very impressed by the reactivity and the care that the lsp-dart team gives to issues] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Some more analysis of the 2020 Emacs User Survey] () - Finance: - [Anyone using Emacs for trading?] () - [helm-coinmarketcap: Search cryptocurrency prices using Coinmarketcap and show them with helm] () - [chartprog.el shows the Chart watchlist and gets quotes within Emacs] () - Other: - [The best sources to master Emacs] () - [Keeping the Focus with Eww, Elfeed & Keepass] () - [Ben Simon: hbo-blogger.el: A Simple Strategy for Editing Blogger posts in emacs] () - [jwz: "Very much do not have my Emacs setup just how I like it" [how to configure `display-buffer` to be like XEmacs?]​] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs on the Go (and on a Linux phone)] () - [Emacs ⇒ Quran ∧ Bible] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Sacha Chua: Using Emacs to fix automatically generated subtitle timestamps] () - [coin-ticker-mode: Emacs minor mode for showing the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.] () - [A new snapshot build of Emacs 28.0.50 for Windows is available] () - [Tory Anderson: Binding keypad numbers for exwm screen shifting] () - [Tory Anderson: Adding a new monitor to my exwm setup] () - [Configuración de Jabber en Emacs] () - New packages: - counsel-ag-popup : Interactive search with counsel-ag - dtb-mode : Show device tree souce in dtbs - transient-posframe : Using posframe to show transient - wikinforg : Org-mode wikinfo integration - xref-rst : Lookup reStructuredText symbols Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] () and [emacs-devel] (). 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