2021-04-05 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - Emacs Paris (virtual) Tue Apr 6 0830 Vancouver / 1030 Chicago / 1130 Toronto / 1530 GMT / 1730 Berlin / 2100 Kolkata / 2330 Singapore - EmacsATX: Emacs as a Spreadsheet and Emacs Social Wed Apr 7 1630 Vancouver / 1830 Chicago / 1930 Toronto / 2330 GMT -- Thu Apr 8 0130 Berlin / 0500 Kolkata / 0730 Singapore - Emacs Org mode features you may not know Sat Apr 10 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1500 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2030 Kolkata / 2300 Singapore - M-x Research (virtual, contact them for passcode) Thu Apr 15 0700 Vancouver / 0900 Chicago / 1000 Toronto / 1400 GMT / 1600 Berlin / 1930 Kolkata / 2200 Singapore - EmacsSF: Some early Emacs history, Lightning talks, and General Discussion Thu Apr 15 1000 Vancouver / 1200 Chicago / 1300 Toronto / 1700 GMT / 1900 Berlin / 2230 Kolkata -- Fri Apr 16 0100 Singapore - Emacs configuration: - [[PSA] shmelpa] () - like MELPA, but with correct versions - [Declarative Package Configuration In 5 Lines of Emacs Lisp] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Tory Anderson: selected for brilliant emacs selections] () - [Run multiple emacs daemons with different config based on daemon name] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs Lisp: - [Elisp Tutorial Part 8 - Backquote and Splice Operator] () (08:05) - [I Wrote My First ELisp Function and Am Looking for Critique.] () (open-current-file-with-associated-program) - [A quick introduction to editing with smartparens] () - [Demonstration movie of eval-last-sexp of Emacs Lisp mode in GNU Emacs] () (49) - [Managing Files and Directories in Practice - Learning Emacs Lisp #6] () (01:22:52) - Emacs development: - [Discussion about isearch behavior] () - [* etc/NEWS: Add entry for new SVG icons in customize.] () - [Set CSS for SVG files] () - Appearance: - [Shout-out to SMOOTH scrolling experience with good-scroll.el] () - [Material gruvbox theme for Emacs.] () - [v2.0.0 VSCode-dark-plus theme for Emacs released! (Link in comments)] () - Navigation: - [Complex Undo (local history) - gif demo inside] () - [Efficient Movement with Emacs Key Bindings - Emacs Essentials #2] () ([Reddit] ()) - Dired: - [It's super handy to manipulate directories after set `(dired-hide-details-mode)`] () - Writing: - [Have you editing to do? Edit a little, edit every day, and let Emacs be your coach!] () ([Reddit] ()) - Org Mode: - [My simple org mode system] () - [OrgMode - A third approach to goal setting & tracking] () - [Introduction to Org Capture] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Make M-RET better in Org Mode | Irreal] () - [Auto build and publish emacs org configuration as a website] () - [Org-roam (with Md-roam) demo with 10,000 markdown files] () - [Sacha Chua: Org Mode: Insert YouTube video with separate captions] () - [A formal grammar for Org] () - [Computer Stuff - emacs, lisp, & org mode] () (01:12:42) - [Appunti di Machine Learning con Emacs, Org-Mode e LaTeX] () (01:11:57) - Completion: - [Selectrum -- Key features and some tweaks (Revised)] () (11:30) - [Embark -- Key features and tweaks] () - [[GNU ELPA] New package proposal: aggressive-completion.el] () - Coding: - [GNU Emacs as a lightweight IDE (Basics)] () - [Using compilation mode to run all the things] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Webmacs - New Emacs configuration for web development] () - [lldb debugging in Emacs] () (0:52) - [jsdoc.el: Inserts JSDoc function comments/typedefs easily] () - [Outline view for Java using speedbar] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs as SQL client with LSP] () - [Irreal: Deleting Git Branches] () - Mail and news: - [Is The Best RSS Reader An Emacs Package?] () (13:24) - [Irreal: A New Version of Mu/Mu4e Is Coming] () - Web: - [Emacs: EWW and my extras (text-based browser)] () (24:45) - Music: - [New Package: subsonic.el an emacs subsonic client] () ([Reddit] ()) - Community: - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - [[blog post] My Emacs Journey] () - [Emacs APAC: Notes from Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup, March 2021] () - [What enlighten your path to Emacs?] () - [Are there extensible environments in the manner of Emacs outside of text editors and developer tools generally?] () - [Good places to discuss creating new packages?] () - [What are the most useful VSCode extensions you know which could be reimplemented in Emacs?] () - Other: - [Use visual-replace-regexp + lisp functions to do complicated text manipulation 5x faster and more reliably] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Handling PDF files in Emacs with DocView Mode] () (17:51) - [Apply number-register to record scores when succeed to delay gratifications] () - [[NonGNU ELPA] submission of new package: dw.el] () - diceware, generates passphrases - [System Crafters Live! - Dotfile Detective: tecosaur • Emacs News • Q&A] () (02:06:57) - [Xah Talk Show 2021-03-27 Emacs Undo Drama, Emacs Lore, Lisp Warr, rms, and Who's Who in Gnu Emacs] () (01:19:26) - [Yes, Emacs can be ran purely in Wayland.] () - [macOS Emacs with Metal Support] () - [emacs-ng auto-generated release deb package] () - New packages: - aggressive-completion : Automatic minibuffer completion - bibtex-actions : Description - flymake-flycheck : Use flycheck checkers as flymake backends - geiser-chez : Chez Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols - geiser-chibi : Chibi Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols - geiser-chicken : Chicken's implementation of the geiser protocols - geiser-gambit : Gambit's implementation of the geiser protocols - geiser-guile : Guile's implementation of the geiser protocols - smudge : Control the Spotify app - sniem : Simple united editing method Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] () and [emacs-devel] (). 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