2021-05-10 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - EmacsSF: Emacs and the Debug Adapter Protocol; dap-mode debugging demo Thu May 13 1000 Vancouver / 1200 Chicago / 1300 Toronto / 1700 GMT / 1900 Berlin / 2230 Kolkata -- Fri May 14 0100 Singapore - M-x Research (virtual, contact them for passcode) Thu May 20 0700 Vancouver / 0900 Chicago / 1000 Toronto / 1400 GMT / 1600 Berlin / 1930 Kolkata / 2200 Singapore - Emacs APAC (virtual, in English) Sat May 22 0130 Vancouver / 0330 Chicago / 0430 Toronto / 0830 GMT / 1030 Berlin / 1400 Kolkata / 1630 Singapore - Beginner: - [New series of articles for beginners: More Productive with Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs Enthusiast - 6. - copy/paste] () (06:17) - Emacs configuration: - [System Crafters Live! - Should you use pre-made Emacs configs? • Emacs News] () (02:03:57) - [Tory Anderson: straight change repo?] () - [eye-candy for package loading time] () ([Reddit] ()) - [dot-all: Personal dotfile repo with vim/emacs/shell and tools.] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Let's write some Emacs Lisp - Using URL and authinfo to get a list of PRs from Github] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Andrea: Becoming Glamorous: how GlamorousToolkit can run Emacs Lisp.] () - Emacs development: - [Bringing GNU Emacs to Native Code (2020)] () ([HN] (), long discussion) - [Document native-compilation] () - [Ensure ` ' handles rectangular regions] () - [Remove another variable alias obsolete since Emacs 23] () - [Add a help option to the open large files prompt] () - [New option to confirm deletion in bookmark menu] () - [Fix doc marker for previous bookmark NEWS change] () - [Fontify lines when setting a bookmark] () - Appearance: - [I made emacs look like a better version of atom] () ([Reddit] ()) - [What's your favorite font for emacs?] () - Org Mode: - [How do I keep my days organized with org-mode?] () ([Reddit] ()) - [For those of us who want to have public and private org-roam directories] () - [orglink: Use Org Mode links in other modes] () - [Chen Bin (redguardtoo): Org link and pdf-tools] () - [New Emacs package pamparam: flashcards with spaced repetition.] () - [Contributed packages to Org in search for new maintainers] () - Import, export, and integration: - [New package - org-diagrams] () - [Tangle org files without emacs installed.] () - [Introduction to org-re-reveal] () - [Migrating my IMDb ratings list and watch list into org-mode | isamert.net] () - [Emacs From Scratch #7 - Configure Everything with Org Babel] () - [ox-g-brief: g-brief2 exporter for org-mode] () - Completion: - [[POLL] What's your ideal minibuffer completion UI?] () - [Killing (copying) currently selected candidate's content/text in Selectrum | isamert.net] () - [Helm documentation] () - Coding: - [whitespace-cleanup-mode: intelligently call whitespace-cleanup on save] () - [emacs-capstone: elisp bindings for the capstone disassembler] () - [slime-doc-contribs: Documentation contribs for SLIME (the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs)] () - Shells: - [Eshell tuning with well-known keybindings] () - [tshell: Experimental alternative shell for Emacs] () - [Shelldon: a different take on shells in emacs] () - Math: - [math-at-point - Evaluate a math expression at point using calc-eval] () - Multimedia: - [emp: Emacs MPV integration] () - Doom Emacs: - [Doom Emacs on a Pine Phone] () ([Reddit] ()) - Community: - [Emacs Lisp @ LibHunt - discover popular projects based on their mentions on Reddit] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - [Need a hand for your Elisp package? A new contributor wants to help you.] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Embarrassing emacs confessions] () - [Emacs Lisp book revived: Marcin Borkowski] () ([HN] ()) - Other: - [End-to-end encrypted file/buffer sharing] () - [Emacs + MSYS2 + Windows Task Scheduler a love story untold] () - [Emacs native-comp on CentOS 7] () - [OSX native notifications available in new homebrew tap] () - New packages: - chembalance : Balance chemical equations - clhs : Access the Common Lisp HyperSpec (CLHS) - orthodox-christian-new-calendar-holidays : Feasts (NS) - rescript-mode : A major mode for editing ReScript - symbolist : List and interactively unbind Emacs Lisp symbols - weblio : Look up Japanese words on Weblio.jp Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] () and [emacs-devel] (). You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents