2023-04-17 Emacs news ===================== - [Emacs 29.0.90 pretest is available] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] (), [Irreal] ()) - Upcoming events: - London Emacs Hacking: Emacs London Meetup Mon Apr 17 1100 America/Vancouver - 1300 America/Chicago - 1400 America/Toronto - 1800 Etc/GMT - 2000 Europe/Berlin - 2330 Asia/Kolkata -- Tue Apr 18 0200 Asia/Singapore - M-x Research (contact them for password): Functional programming: an (Emacs) Lisp view (7/n) Wed Apr 19 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1500 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2030 Asia/Kolkata - 2300 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Fri Apr 21 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 1900 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin -- Sat Apr 22 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 Asia/Singapore - Emacs APAC (virtual) Sat Apr 22 0130 America/Vancouver - 0330 America/Chicago - 0430 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 1030 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Sat Apr 22 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore - Mastering Emacs book club Sun Apr 23 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore - Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) Wed Apr 26 0930 America/Vancouver - 1130 America/Chicago - 1230 America/Toronto - 1630 Etc/GMT - 1830 Europe/Berlin - 2200 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Apr 27 0030 Asia/Singapore - Emacs configuration: - [Which package manager should I use?] () - [What Emacs' package.el can learn from Neovim's packer.nvim] () - [Literate Emacs Init with Org Babel] () (2020) - Emacs Lisp: - [owinebar/emacs-async-job-queue: Elisp package for managing an arbitrary number of queued async jobs] () ([emacs-devel] ()) - [Exploring D-Bus with Emacs APIs - System Crafters Live!] () (01:58:08) - Appearance: - [Alvaro Ramirez: My Emacs eye candy] () ([Reddit] (), [Irreal] (), [lobste.rs] ()) - [OS¹ Theme: A light, warm, modern theme inspired by cinematic color palettes] () - [NANO Dialog : Emacs native dialog box] () ([Reddit] ()) - [myron-themes: a set of light themes for emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Navigation: - [James Dyer: Indexing My Emacs Init File] () - occur - [James Dyer: Imenu Indexing My emacs Init File] () ([Irreal] ()) - [Optimizing Project Selection in Emacs] () - Writing: - [Looking Up Words in a Dictionary] () ([Reddit] (), [Irreal] ()) - [codingquark: A Clean Writing Environment] () ([Irreal] ()) - [codingquark: How to setup auctex with borg in emacs] () - [Bibliography Management In Emacs With BibTeX] () - [Emacs BibTeX Adds Convenience Part II 2023_04_05_17:32:24] () (32:12) - Org Mode: - [How I'm Working With Tasks and My Agenda] () - [Note-taking strategy 2023] () - [Making a plaintext personal CRM with org-contacts] () - [Emacs | Clean Up Your Org Mode Document With Org Indent Mode] () (08:08) - [My first couple packages] () - KLP for Org naming, org-lectures - [org-imgtog: Automatic inline image toggling similar to org-fragtog] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Org-mode - Agenda file is not in org mode] () (04:16) - [Org-Mode Export to Notion] () - Org development: - [org-export--prune-tree: Ensure spaces when removing objects] () - [etc/ORG-NEWS: Mention the new \P entity] () - alias of [pilcrow] - Completion: - [Manuel Uberti: Tweaking Vertico candidates] () - Math: - [garid3000/Emacs-TeQ: Quail input-method for LaTeX in Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Mail, news, and chat: - [Emacs The Ultimate: Mail reader - Setting up notmuch with emacs - Pagefault] () - Multimedia: - [lorniu/mpvi: Integrated Video Tool on Emacs via MPV] () ([Reddit] ()) - includes OCR, subtitles, transcoding - EXWM: - [Ricing EXWM environment: Generate theme from music video in EMMS] () ([Reddit] ()) - Fun: - [Sacha Chua: Updating my Minecraft command book using Emacs, TRAMP, and mcf.el] () - AI: - [Control Emacs with ChatGPT] () (04:57) - [Semantic search for Org-Roam using LLM. Demo: https://youtu.be/vHamsOQW_N4] () ([Reddit] ()) - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - [916 days of Emacs] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] ()) - nice graphs, including time breakdowns - [Vimari and my Emacs origin story] () - [I left Emacs and Org-Mode 8 months ago and switched to more modern note-taking tools. But yesterday I came back to it, and now I feel at home.] () - [[NEW] post.tonyaldon.com] () - [Emacs Redux Turns 10] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Interview with Syntopikon on Emacs and life] () - [Eric MacAdie: 2023-04 Austin Emacs Meetup] () - Other: - [Emacs as a Shell] () - trying to think of Emacs as a shell rather than an editor - [Combo : Guix shell + Emacs envrc.el] () - .env files - [Marcin Borkowski: Downcasing word at point in the whole buffer] () - [Emacs Quick Productivity Enhance Tips] () - join lines, enclose, repeat, expand, kill sentence, etc. - [deno-bridge] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Anyone else using the Nextstep build of Emacs with GNUstep under Linux?] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Taking screenshots or videos (gifs) of any macOS window] () - [Jean-Christophe Helary: Launch files in Emacs.app] () - [How To Install Emacs in Ubuntu (in 2023)] () (04:23) - Emacs development: - emacs-devel list: - [Potential issues with Rust contributions Re: Consideration for Rust contributions in Emacs based on Rust Foundation draft] () - [Impact of CVEs on Emacs in corporate environments] () ([also here] ()) - [Explanation of signal handling and cleanup] () - [Discussion about improving the flymake API] () - [Discussion about thread challenges] () - [Delaying feature/android] () - [Disallow creation of circular variable alias chains] () - [Flymake: add new flymake-show-diagnostics-at-end-of-line option] () - [eshell: Add 'rgrep' builtin] () - New packages: - code-compass : Navigate software aided by metrics and visualization (MELPA) - nerd-icons-ibuffer : Display nerd icons in ibuffer (MELPA) - nordic-night-theme : A darker, more colorful version of the lovely Nord theme (MELPA) - sentex : Regex-based sentence navigation rules (MELPA) Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [lobste.rs] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), [emacs-devel] (), and [lemmy/c/emacs] (). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [sacha@sachachua.com] (). Thank you! You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents