2021-05-17 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - M-x Research (virtual, contact them for passcode) Thu May 20 0700 Vancouver / 0900 Chicago / 1000 Toronto / 1400 GMT / 1600 Berlin / 1930 Kolkata / 2200 Singapore - Emacs APAC (virtual, in English) Sat May 22 0130 Vancouver / 0330 Chicago / 0430 Toronto / 0830 GMT / 1030 Berlin / 1400 Kolkata / 1630 Singapore - Singapore: Emacs & Never Code Alone SG Wed May 26 0400 Vancouver / 0600 Chicago / 0700 Toronto / 1100 GMT / 1300 Berlin / 1630 Kolkata / 1900 Singapore - Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) Wed May 26 0930 Vancouver / 1130 Chicago / 1230 Toronto / 1630 GMT / 1830 Berlin / 2200 Kolkata -- Thu May 27 0030 Singapore - Beginner: - [Emacs help / info system basics] () (01:11) - [Peter Prevos: Configure Emacs: From Vanilla Emacs to Productivity] () - [Keybinds in Emacs] () (55:06) (Italian) - [Muoversi in Emacs] () (37:17) (Italian) - Emacs configuration: - [Should I use Doom Emacs or create a Vanilla Emacs config?] () - [Automatic saving of modes, scratch buffer, and registers in Emacs] () (06:18) - [emacs-config: My personal emacs configuration] () - evil, helm, org, spaceline, variable-pitch - [engineered-emacs: A simple, vanilla Emacs configuration for engineers] () - coding, exwm, org - Emacs Lisp: - [Emacs Enthusiast - 11. - elisp 3] () (01:26) cond - [Let's write some Emacs Lisp - Using URL and authinfo to get a list of PRs from Github] () (01:22:53) - [global-prefix: An extra universal prefix for emacs] () - [[Video] Rejected by Melpa? You're likely already on Elpaso] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs development: - [Improve documentation of new behavior of 'M-y'] () - [Don't consider obsolete commands for completion in some cases] () - [All a GPG key server client] () - [Tweak documentation relating to 'erc-tls'] () - Appearance: - [Distraction free writing with Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Adding emoji to Emacs buffers with emojify] () - Navigation: - [Moving text around in Emacs using move-text] () - [aeronaut.el: A pine/pico embed file browser clone for Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Dired: - [Fancy Dired preview - See Readme files in Dired similar to GH - reworked] () ([Reddit] ()) - Org Mode: - [Peter Prevos: Getting Things Done with Emacs: Manage your life with Org Mode] () - [Peter Prevos: Taking Notes with Emacs Org-Mode and Org-Roam] () - [Infrastructure and lightweight markup language for OER: The case of emacs-reveal] () (19:04) - [Automatically changing an org task's state when clocking time] () - [Org-transclusion (alpha v0.1.1) Demo #7 Live-sync edit] () - Agenda: - [Interactive mini-agenda using a mini-calendar in a mini-frame] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Displaying my monthly goals in org-agenda] () - Import, export, and integration: - [Create Websites with Emacs: Blogging with Org Mode and Hugo] () - [My Blog Workflow] () ([Irreal] ()) - [Writing a slackbot for org-capture] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Configuring bug-reference mode from within org-mode] () - Completion: - [A better yank-pop binding] () ([Reddit] ()) - [New package: Vcomplete - visual enhancements to the default completion interface] () - Coding: - [This CLIM inspector work seems pretty cool!] () - Shells: - [Raimon Grau: Current file name on emacs's shell-command] () - Mail and news: - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Demo of the Emacs front-end to Notmuch (email)] () - [mu4easy: mu4e + mbsync configuration for multiple accounts.] () ([Reddit] ()) - [jao: reading and searching gmane with gnus, fast] () - Web: - [Emacs-focused Web Browsing] () (2020) - Community: - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - [How much time you need to spent with Emacs to become more productive?] () - [A Year or So of Emacs // Take on Rules] () ([Reddit] ()) - [A year with Emacs] () ([Reddit] (), [Irreal] ()) - [pdf-tools got a new maintainer] () - [Neal Stephenson about emacs] () (2019, [Reddit] ()) - Other: - [Emacs as an X Clipboard Manager, take 2] () - [Extracting zetteldeft notes] () - [[New Package] Battery Notifier Mode] () - [lazy-lang-learn - language learning tool for emacs] () (01:07) - [EAF can use Vue.js write plugin for Emacs] () - [Emacs Enthusiast testing Emacs 28] () (03:26) - [GNU Hyperbole V8: Managing your notes with HyRolo] () ([Reddit] ()) - [macOS pre-built nightly Emacs.app builds with native-comp (gccemacs) enabled] () - [Gccemacs prebuilt package on Windows 10] () - New packages: - battery-notifier : Notify when battery capacity is low - bazel : Bazel support for Emacs - chronometrist-key-values : add key-values to Chronometrist data - dynaring : A dynamically sized ring structure - elforth : Do you have what it takes to hack Emacs Lisp in Forth? - lsp-rescript : LSP client configuration for lsp-mode and rescript-vscode - org-contrib : Add-ons that are no longer distributed with Org-mode - python-isort : Reformat python-mode buffer with isort - read-only-cfg : Make files read-only based on user config - sml-basis : Standard ML Basis Library lookup Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] () and [emacs-devel] (). 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