2022-12-12 Emacs news ===================== - Upcoming events: - [Emacs APAC: Announcing Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup, Saturday, December 24, 2022] () - Hispa Emacs (virtual) Wed Dec 14 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata -- Thu Dec 15 0000 Asia/Singapore - EmacsSF (in person): Ho ho ho it's coffee.el Sat Dec 17 1100 America/Los_Angeles - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA Tue Dec 20 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata -- Wed Dec 21 0000 Asia/Singapore - Emacs APAC (virtual) Sat Dec 24 0030 America/Vancouver - 0230 America/Chicago - 0330 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore - Beginner: - [Ultimate EMACS Cheat Sheet!] () - [Emacs From Scratch, An Emacs tutorial for beginners - 12 Features & load...] () - [Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #8: How I find information about emacs in emacs] () - Emacs configuration: - [Split configuration management with punchcard on Emacs] () (21:03) - [use-package has landed into emacs-29 branch, yeah!] () ([Irreal] ()) - [use-package-examples: community contributed configuration examples] () - [Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #7: How I type special characters in emacs] () - key-chord - [ilyaw39's .emacs.d: A simple setup for emacs-mac focusing on scientific writing in Org mode] () - [[Emacs] A full fledge configuration] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs Lisp: - [Learn By Example: Debugging Emacs Lisp] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Please recommend packages for editing elisp] () - [Learn how to temporary override function definitions] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Using SQLite as a data source: a framework and an example] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] ()) - [Xah Talk Show 2022-12-06 Characteristics of Lisp, Why Emacs Paredit Sucks] () (01:16:16) - Appearance: - [Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #6: How I use (and fix) GUI emacs] () - [Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #10: How I do theming in emacs] () - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: `standard-themes' version 1.1.0] () - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: change colour values and mappings in Modus themes version 4] () - Navigation: - [Repeating Navigation in Emacs] () - [emacs-workroom: Named rooms for doing work without irrelevant distracting buffers] () - Writing: - [lingva.el: Access lingva.ml translations from emacs. Lingva is a tracking-free alternative front-end for Google translate.] () - [0057. Пакет Howm для Emacs] () (07:30) - [Emacs | Why I Like Olivetti Mode Now] () (09:39) - Org Mode: - [Streamline Your Org mode Workflow with Automatic Clock Table Recalculation] () - [Emacs | Getting More Efficient With Org Mode Attachments | Efficient!] () (06:08) - [How much did you get done today?] () ([Reddit] (), [lobste.rs] ()) - [Is there any advantage in using Org-roam if I keep all my notes in one file?] () - [Org-Mode: Show clock status in frame title] () - [M. Rincón: Tracking Packages With Org-Mode] () - [Christian Tietze: Manage Org Agenda-Related Buffers via display-buffer-alist] () - [Irreal: Update On The Org-9.6 Problem] () - Import, export, and integration: - [Org-fleuron: a customizable org-info-js configuration] () - [Org-mode - Resize images in your export] () (09:57) - [Write slideshows with ox-spectacle] () - Denote: - [Using Denote with Subdirectories] () ([Reddit] ()) - Completion: - [Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #9: How I type formulaic things in emacs] () - [Marcin Borkowski: A simple function to create abbreviations] () - [Make vertico-posframe move to the side so consult previews work nicely] () ([Reddit] ()) - Coding: - [emacs-testcover-mark-line: Mark whole line with Testcover] () - [Sasanidas/Apprentice: A small alchemist ready to rock] () ([Reddit] ()) - Elixir tools - [EmacsConf2022 - lsp-bridge: a smooth-as-butter asynchronous LSP client] () ([Reddit] ()) - [How to refactor in the current buffer with isearch-occur and occur-edit-mode] () ([Reddit] ()) - Version control: - [Bozhidar Batsov: Git Tip: Find the Top Contributors] () - [Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #12: How I do version control in emacs] () - [Learn git with Emacs magit - its magit] () (01:26:39) - [lab.el: Emacs-GitLab integration] () - Tree-sitter: - [Experimenting With the Built-in Tree-sitter Support in Emacs] () - [ts-fold: Code-folding using tree-sitter] () - [Emacs Tree Sitter, We Have The Technology] () (5:29, [Reddit] ()) - [ruby-ts-mode.el -- first draft] () - [toml-ts-mode: first draft] () - [Code navigation for sh-mode with Tree-sitter] () - Shells: - [Irreal: Howard Abrams On Why You Should Use Eshell] () - Chat: - [Rendering LaTeX Equations in mastodon.el] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Mastodon.el alternative layout] () ([Reddit] ()) - Doom Emacs: - [Doom emacs, mejorando sus fuentes] () (02:57) - EXWM: - [So alpha-background is completely supported in EXWM] () - Fun: - [Yak Shaving....wildly hoping this will entertain everyone :)] () ([Reddit] ()) - AI: - ["Semantic Macros" with Emacs + GPT - by Sam Rawal] () - [ChatGPT in Emacs] () (01:31, [HN] (), [Reddit] ()) - [ChatGPT can help with Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - [RMS: EmacsConf - 2022 - talks - What I'd like to see in Emacs] () ([HN] ()) - [Which packages do you want people to work on more or add features to?] () - [Emacs + a nice theme + editing features is awesome! (plus some questions about extra configuration)] () - [My IDE is too heavy so I moved to Emacs] () - [An Interview with Nicolas Rougier, Creator of NANO Emacs] () - [Lex Fridman: Emacs vs Vim vs VSCode] () (03:24) - [Eric MacAdie: 2012-12 Austin Emacs Meetup] () - [What is in a modern code editor?] () ([lobste.rs] ()) - Other: - [Sicherheit: Ausführen beliebiger Kommandos in emacs] () - security advisory, GNU Emacs <= 28.2 - [Chromium in Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [share-path: Share your current project path to external tools.] () - [Chung-hong Chan: Advent of emacs #11: How I do system administration in emacs] () - [Text to speech directly from within Emacs] () (02:59) - Emacs development: - emacs-devel: - [not moving to only XCB] () - [Revamping bs.el] () - [Emacs 29 still supports Windows 98 Re: Help with new Windows 98 crash] () - [Add prog-fill-reindent-defun (bug#59664)] () - [gdb-mi.el: Configure variable order and length in local-vars window] () - [Add dockerfile-ts-mode (Bug#59894)] () - [Make eshell-read-aliases-list an interactive command] () - [Merge branch 'feature/use-package' into emacs-29] () - [Add lisp/external-completion.el for completions from external tools] () - [EUDC: Outline deprecation plans in NEWS] () - New packages: - boxes : ASCII boxes unlimited! (MELPA) - d2-mode : Major mode for working with d2 graphs (MELPA) - external-completion : Let external tools control completion style (GNU ELPA) - kill-file-path : Copy file name into kill ring (MELPA) - move-mode : A major-mode for editing Move language (MELPA) - org-mpv-notes : Take notes in org mode while watching videos in mpv (MELPA) Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [lobste.rs] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), [emacs-devel] (), and [lemmy/c/emacs] (). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [sacha@sachachua.com] (). Thank you! You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents