2022-01-17 Emacs news ===================== - Help wanted: - [Re: [External] : Emacs pretest 28.0.91 is out] () - looking for people to help with Windows binaries (see also [this post] ()) - Upcoming events: - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA Fri Jan 21 0700 Vancouver / 0900 Chicago / 1000 Toronto / 1500 GMT / 1600 Berlin / 2030 Kolkata / 2300 Singapore - Emacs APAC (virtual, in English) Sat Jan 22 0030 Vancouver / 0230 Chicago / 0330 Toronto / 0830 GMT / 0930 Berlin / 1400 Kolkata / 1630 Singapore - Emacs Berlin (virtual, in English) Wed Jan 26 0930 Vancouver / 1130 Chicago / 1230 Toronto / 1730 GMT / 1830 Berlin / 2300 Kolkata -- Thu Jan 27 0130 Singapore - Beginner: - [Your first five minutes in Emacs [OC]​] () ([Reddit] ()) - Twitter thread - [Emacs discoverability] () ([Reddit] ()) - meme, tips in the discussion - [How to build an editor with Emacs Lisp - 02 Survive on the first day] () (01:05:19) - [The Emacs Hints memory card (pre-2000s)] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs Get KeyBinds Help 2022_01_13_08:27:57] () (08:56) - Emacs configuration: - [Configuring emacs the right way] () - discussion, tips - [How Do You Deploy Your Dotfiles With Emacs?] () - [System Crafters Live! - Building the World's WORST Emacs Configuration] () (48:02) - [System Crafters Live! - Building the World's WORST Emacs Configuration (Part 2)] () (01:07:27) - Emacs Lisp: - [Netz: emacs generic graph store] () - [Daniils Petrovs: Creating universal Emacs Lisp packages and scripts] () ([Reddit] ()) - Appearance: - [Making Speedbar Pretty with SVG Icons (Seriously)] () - [Absolute minimum modeline] () - Navigation: - [Learn to navigate, search and read Info documentation] () - [[ANN] Bookmark In Project: Convenient bookmark toggling & switching within projects] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Alternatives/Feedback/Workflow for emacs fasd] () - Writing: - [Emacs Highlight And SpellCheck 2022_01_14_08:28:04] () (10:46) - Org Mode: - [How do you take university notes with org-mode?] () - [orgplus-align-tables: Minor mode for aligning tables with formulae in org-mode] () - [Org-mode - Table total of rows columns] () (07:08) - [TAONAW: Punching in/out the org-mode way] () - [emacs/td-custom-clocktable.el at main · trev-dev/emacs · GitHub] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Jeremy Friesen: Resolving an Unable to Resolve Link Error for Org Mode in Emacs] () - [Formal Specification and Programmatic Parser for Org-mode] () - Appearance: - [Center org-headings pixel-wise in center of a line (window)] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Org-mode - Increase/Decrease image size] () (08:15) - [Interactively hide/display leading stars for org-headings] () ([Reddit] ()) - Import, export, and integration: - [Org-mode - Generate good looking documents] () (07:11) - [Variables in LaTeX documents exported from Emacs Org Mode | D.V.F.P.] () ([Irreal] ()) - [Presentation as Code using ORG and reveal.js] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Improving my new blog post creation] () - [Firn - Org Mode Static Site Generator (0.0.15)] () - rewritten - [org-logseq: Make logseq's back-link work in Emacs. Use it as replacement for Org roam] () ([Reddit] ()) - [OrgMode.jl: A Julia library for working with Org, WIP.] () - [Parsing Org syntax with Clojure and Instaparse] () - [ConvertOneNote2MarkDown: Ready to make the step to Markdown and saying farewell to your OneNote, EverNote or whatever proprietary note taking tool you are using? Nothing beats clear text, right? Read on!] () ([Reddit] ()) - Org roam: - [org-roam v2.2.0 released] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Task management with org-roam Vol. 1: Path to Roam] () - Completion: - [tempel: TempEl - Simple templates for Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Coding: - [Isma: Emacs for Rust Development] () - [emacs - automation don't need to look pretty] () ([Reddit] ()) - magit - [Jeremy Friesen: Emacs Packages to Get Stuff Done] () - rubocop, rspec - [flight-attendant.el: UNOFFICIAL Emacs Copilot Integration] () - Math: - [The GNU Emacs Calculator] () (13:22) ([Irreal] ()) - Shells: - [Shell History Navigation in Emacs Mode] () (01:58) - [dtache - Version 0.3] () - Web: - [GNU Emacs: A configurable browser] () ([Reddit] ()) - Mail and news: - [Microsoft OAuth authentication with mu4e in Emacs] () - Fun: - [If you like Wordle...] () - [Enime: watch anime using emacs] () - [Lets Write A Tinder Client For Emacs] () (2:03:40, [Reddit] ()) - making the client starts at 39:35 - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - [Eric MacAdie: 2022-01 Austin Emacs Meetup] () - Other: - [My first extension - accented characters - accent.el] () - [convert time between time zones with tzc] () - [Running executable notes from http://angg.twu.net/ with find-angg and find-wget] () - [Update on expenses package for Emacs | Md Arif Shaikh মহঃ আরিফ শেখ] () - [Andrea: Moldable Emacs: translate string at point in multiple languages!] () - [Alain M. Lafon: Configuring default applications for xdg-open] () - emacsclient example - [ssh-agency: Use ssh-agent on Microsoft Windows from Emacs] () - [Emacs Find Packages Concise Way 2022 01_17_08:08:05] () (09:37) - [Building Emacs from Source (and Configuring dwm while we wait)] () (13:58) - [21天学会Emacs 2022Edition(第一天)] () (19:14) - [21天学会Emacs 系列 2022 Edition(第二天)] () (16:09) - Emacs development: - [Mitsuharu Yamamoto has started working on emacs-28.0] () - Mac port - [Irreal: The Second Emacs 28 Pretest] () - [Re: Native compilation on Windows, was Re: Bootstrap Compilation Speed] () - issues with native comp and Windows - etc/NEWS: - [Add support for functions that deal with Unicode scripts] () - [Extend Outline mode with default visibility state] () - [xref-find-references-and-replace: New command] () - [Steamline xref-query-replace-in-results] () - [Add new function function-alias-p] () - [Undelete deleted frames.] () - [* lisp/leim/quail/emoji.el: New file (bug#52605).] () - [Add isearch-emoji-by-name] () - [Follow POSIX/GNU argument conventions for 'eshell-eval-using-options'] () - [* src/window.c (other-window-scroll-default): New variable (bug#51210).] () - New packages: - bookmark-in-project : Bookmark access within a project - clj-deps-new : Create clojure projects from templates - flymake-rest : Core features for flymake-rest - tempel : Tempo templates/snippets with in-buffer field editing - tzc : Converts time between different time zones Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), [emacs-devel] (), and [lemmy/c/emacs] (). Also, thanks to Andrés Ramírez for some links to emacs-devel posts! You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents