2022-10-10 Emacs news ===================== - Help wanted: - [Call for volunteers: add tree-sitter support to major modes] () ([Reddit] ()) - Upcoming events: - [live: Building minimal Emacs config.] () - Oct 11 at 12PM EDT (5 PM UTC) - [Emacs APAC: Announcing Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup, Saturday, October 22, 2022] () - Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) Fri Oct 14 0900 Vancouver / 1100 Chicago / 1200 Toronto / 1600 GMT / 1800 Berlin / 2130 Kolkata -- Sat Oct 15 0000 Singapore - EmacsSF: pumpkin-spice.el Sat Oct 15 1100 Vancouver / 1300 Chicago / 1400 Toronto / 1800 GMT / 2000 Berlin / 2330 Kolkata -- Sun Oct 16 0200 Singapore - M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA Tue Oct 18 0800 Vancouver / 1000 Chicago / 1100 Toronto / 1500 GMT / 1700 Berlin / 2030 Kolkata / 2300 Singapore - Emacs APAC (virtual, in English) Sat Oct 22 0130 Vancouver / 0330 Chicago / 0430 Toronto / 0830 GMT / 1030 Berlin / 1400 Kolkata / 1630 Singapore - Beginner: - [Emacs Debugging Basics] () ([Reddit] (), [Irreal] ()) - Emacs configuration: - [kavulox's Emacs Config] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Marcin Borkowski: Converting words and sentences to identifiers] () - [Oauth2 sample flow in Elisp] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Custom Functionality in Emacs vs Neovim] () (04:15) - Appearance: - [Emacs Font Lock How to highlight multiline text] () - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Ef themes 0.7.0 for GNU Emacs] () - Navigation: - [Reveal in macOS Finder (DWIM style)] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Comparison of tools to search for related files] () - Writing: - [Mickey Petersen: Wordsmithing in Emacs] () ([Reddit] (), [Irreal] (), [Janusworx] ()) - [GitHub - fpiper/hl-sentence-length] () (inspired by [The art of sentence length by Gary Provost] (), [Reddit] ()) - Org Mode: - [You Should Really Learn Org Mode] () (19:32, [Reddit] ()) - [How do you take book notes?] () - [book-mode: A clean interface for org files (Emacs)] () - [Mario Jason Braganza: Ticking Off Checkboxes With the Mouse in Org Mode] () - [Serie - Strukturierte Notizen: Zetteldeft] () - [Andrea: Self reflection: a favour I own myself (with a bit of org-ql to make it easier!)] () - finding out which tasks have taken a long time to complete - Import, export, and integration: - [Org-mode, exportation LaTeX et Minted] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Org-mode - Generate contracts with only few lines] () (12:03) - [Tracking blog post changes by leveraging git and ox-html.el] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Migrate Tiddlywiki to org-roam - Part 2: org-roam and hugo] () ([Reddit] ()) - [org-mode + vterm + tmux == ❤️❤️❤️] () - [Jeremy Friesen: Denote Emacs Configuration] () - Org development: - [org-capture: Add template hook properties] () - [Allow returning empty list from post-processing block] () - Completion: - [(Me) Default emacs completions are good, I swear!] () ([Reddit] ()) - Coding: - [Followup to "Newline behavior like other editors"] () - [Kisaragi Hiu: Trying to set up Emacs for C++] () - [hc.el.git - An emacs package for exploring haskell code.] () - [Emacs as a Kotlin IDE | It's awesome!] () (18:03) - [eglot + tree-sitter in core emacs will be awesome] () - discussion in comments - Shells: - [The Emacs Cat: How to Clear the Eshell] () - Web: - [Preview any link or tweet directly within emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - Mail and news: - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: notmuch-indicator version 0.2.0] () - [Org mode - Newsticker RSS feed reader] () (12:11) - Doom Emacs: - [The Severed Heads (1957) + Doom Emacs Stuff + Working on Website] () (02:03:04) - Multimedia: - [Marcin Borkowski: Adding timestamps to youtube links] () - [New package: youtube-sub-extractor.el] () ([Irreal] ()) - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - [The History of Emacs] () (14:32) - [Emacs Paris: A recorded session] () - [OCD about Emacs] () - [What do you tells VSCode and Jetbrains naysayers] () - [Irreal: Red Meat Friday: Is The FSF Fighting The Previous War?] () - [How would RMS name emacs, if it was created today?] () - [Emacs Users: I'm Okay, I Promise — blog.djha.skin] () - vim perspective - Other: - [Tim Heaney: Emacs 28.2] () - [Emacs 29 pure gtk running natively on Wayland instead of XWayland] () (01:04:15) - Emacs development: - [Progress on merging Eglot, a lsp client, to Emacs Core: An Update] () - [emacs-devel: progress on noverlay branch] () - [Re: Windows Pseudo Console support] () (one of the reasons why Emacs on Windows has challenges) - [Error compiling emacsql-sqlite on Windows when `.emacs.d` is in a path with non-ASCII characters · Issue #77 · magit/emacsql · GitHub] () (2021, another reason) - [Add a VC command to prepare patches] () - [Add support for the Coptic script (bug#58330)] () - [* etc/NEWS: Document how to continue using 'linum'. (Bug#58220)] () - [* etc/NEWS: Add instructions for replacing 'linum'. (Bug#58220)] () - [New command 'world-clock-copy-time-as-kill'] () - [Add tramp-kubernetes integration] () - [Add 'seq-keep'] () - [* etc/NEWS: Mention new Tramp method "podman". Fix typos.] () - [image-dired: Shorten several long names] () - [Move image commands to the 'i' sub map] () - [Add Ukrainian tutorial] () - [Make `eq' obsolete as a generalized variable] () - [* etc/NEWS: Clarify confusing Image-Dired entry. (Bug#58279)] () - New packages: - emacsql-pg : EmacSQL back-end for PostgreSQL via pg (MELPA) - etd : Examples to Tests and Docs (MELPA) - hcel : Haskell codebase explorer / cross referencer (GNU ELPA) - himalaya : Interface for the himalaya email client (MELPA) - icl-mode : Support for IEEE 1687 ICL/PDL (MELPA) - ob-ffuf : Babel functions for ffuf (MELPA) - pebble-mode : A major mode for pebble (MELPA) - ropgadget : Display and filter ROP gadgets of a binary (MELPA) Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [lobste.rs] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), [emacs-devel] (), and [lemmy/c/emacs] (). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for links! You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents