Hi Lars, could you explain (perhaps via comments in the code for posterity) the meaning of the return value of shr-render-td-1 -- suspect this is where the cell gets rendered and its rendered representation returned for insertion in the output. I used this markup:
sis is a test.
With this advice below: (setq td-result nil) (defadvice shr-render-td-1 (after test pre act comp) (cl-declare (special td-result)) (setq td-result ad-return-value) ) And td-result gets set to this list: (7 7 1 (#("testing" 0 1 (shr-indentation 0))) 1 nil nil) so (elt td-result 3) is the rendered cell, could you explain the meaning of the other list elements in the returned value? -- Thanks, --Raman ♈ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1 🦮