Miles Bader raised some valid points. Attached are updated versions of xcache.[ch]. Some comments: - Changed the bracing, line width, and some other formatting to be more GNU'ish. Please let me know if there are other formatting issues lacking. - The keys were being xmalloc'ed (unnecessarily) and then leaked. Instead each of the wrapper functions now has a static buffer (of a #define'able size) to store the transient keys. - I decided to stay w/ the memory copying for the keys (instead of writing custom compare functions for each query type and then storing the cached data's type in the _xcache_record) because it is a cheap, local operation. A typical emacs startup session might take on the order of magnitude of 900 X requests which incurs net lag, but 900 calls to a wrapper function that get executed locally are completely negligible. Custom compare functions would introduce a level of complexity that I think is unwarranted. Using static buffers seems to speed up the whole thing even more! With my .emacs it's down to 30s and without (emacs -q) it's down to 28s. I'd be interested to hear from anyone about: 1) Have you tested this? What sort of speed improvements do you see? 2) Am I doing anything else very stupidly (such as leaking every call :))? 3) Do you have any ideas on caching XFontStruct's? Specifically, the XExtData* list has private_data members whose size is unknown (as far as I can see). 4) Adding an option to to enable a (default=off) switch for USE_XCACHE. I don't feel like learning autoconf for this one thing. 5) Miles mentioned someone else took a crack at this at some point. I'd be very interested to hear about this experience. There is something morally wrong about caching this info, but I'm willing to be a little naughty to cut out the ridiculous lag delays in remote X emacsen... 6) Any other thoughts on this. Cheers, -- Ami Fischman