Hello, This is the third stab at native imagemagick support for emacs. New features: - :rotation image spec, to rotate image arbitrarily - :width and :height, if you specify them image will be scaled to these sizes - :geometry and :crop, imagemagick specifyers for size and croping, see imagemagick docs - :index, show a particular image within an image archive format(its possible to see a particular page in a pdf for instance) Ok, those features work somewhat well. What doesnt work, and which I would like some help with, is how to make emacs automagically recognize that a image file type is handled by the imagemagick loader. There is some half-baked code in the patch that doesnt work for this. Heres some test code: make && src/emacs -q --eval "(progn (insert \"mupp\")(put-text-property 1 2 'display (list 'image :file \"/tmp/24725.pdf\" :type 'imagemagick :index 0 :geometry \"50%\" :crop \"\" :rotation 90.0) ))"