Le 1 Apr 2005, YAMAMOTO Mitsuharu vraute : > It seems that HAVE_CARBON is not defined in your Emacs.MakeScript. But it is (see attached makescript). > Could you try again after cleaning up all the generated files? > > In http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2005-03/msg00210.html: > > (Executing "make Clean -f makefile.MPW > Clean.MakeScript && > Clean.MakeScript" would be needed before making another build.) I did not tried to clean formerly because my build was in a fresh checkout directory where i did no build. I have tried now, but the compilation fails with the same error about undefined TargetID and receiverIDisPSN... > > I am a bit lost : does not defining HAVE_CARBON implies > > TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON ? > > It does. Defining HAVE_CARBON leads to the inclusion of Carbon.h, and > TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON is set to 1 there. Then I will look for a possible bad installation of MPW. Thank you for.