>>>>> Perry E Metzger writes: > I don't know if it was disingenuous or not, but I think that being able to > improve performance would not be a bad thing. I've noticed that a lot of > things (like keyboard macros) are often slower than expected in modern > Emacs. We may, as a developer community, have allowed the speed of modern > hardware to lull us into complacency on issues like performance. Emacs > should be the best editor it can be. I would very much like someone to step up as our "performance czar", and to create a benchmarking suite to run alongside our test suite, to establish a baseline for operations which should always be quick in Emacs. Efficiency matters a lot to me, although at the moment it falls because correctness and not crashing. But I'd like to improve in this area as well over time. -- John Wiegley GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F http://newartisans.com 60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2