OK, I've heard the concerns and input from all parties, and my decision is that we will include the stack overflow recovery logic, as it is now implemented, while keeping our ears open for any problems this causes to users. Daniel, Eli, Paul, thank you for spending the time to be vocal and deliberate in enumerating your concerns. To Daniel specifically: I appreciate your experience in this area, and that you are not speaking from your imagination, but I'd like to give the current recovery approach a try before calling it a non-starter, or branching out into more complex solutions. We *will* have the freedom to reverse this decision in a future release if things become worse rather than better. But there is no more benefit in debating this future. Thank you, -- John Wiegley GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F http://newartisans.com 60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2