>>>>> Mark Oteiza writes: > I have yet to see a good explanation for the weird treatment of this > variable. "Preventing site from disabling the message" is silly because you > cannot prevent it. "thoughtless copying of init files" is another silly > reason because the init file can contain elisp that unconditionally disables > the message. I'm not sure how to reach a "good" level in explaining this, but here is the main idea: Emacs is a flagship of the GNU project, whose primary goal is to ensure software freedom for users, rather than merely to provide software to users. Thus, when Emacs starts up, one of its goals, as a GNU project, is not only to edit files, but to make people aware of the issues of software freedom. (This is also why Nicolas is currently having discussions with Richard about text to be added to the Emacs web page that ostensibly has little to do with Emacs as a software project.) If you think in terms of technical merit alone, there are more than a few things about this project, and participating in its development, that do not make complete sense, nor have "good" explanations. You have to broaden the scope to include the issue of promoting software freedom, and how Emacs is used to help achieve that task, for all the pieces to fall into place. Note that this is free software after all: You could fork Emacs and remove this code. But that wouldn't be GNU Emacs; and GNU Emacs strives very hard to ensure that the question of software freedom is never buried or side-lined. -- John Wiegley GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F http://newartisans.com 60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2