On July 21, 2014 at 4:25:04 PM, Andreas Schwab (schwab@suse.de) wrote: Bozhidar Batsov writes:  > I was wondering if someone can explain the rationale behind the utf-8-auto  > coding system that’s available in Emacs.  UTF-8 (auto-detect signature (BOM))  So, it’s a good idea to use it for files, but it’s probably not a good idea to use it as process encoding, because there likely won’t be a BOM to check? Andreas.  --  Andreas Schwab, SUSE Labs, schwab@suse.de  GPG Key fingerprint = 0196 BAD8 1CE9 1970 F4BE 1748 E4D4 88E3 0EEA B9D7  "And now for something completely different."