%&mex % Reference Card for GNU Emacs % Copyright (C) 1999, 2001-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. % Author: Stephen Gildea % Polish translation: W{\l}odek Bzyl % This document is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % As a special additional permission, you may distribute reference cards % printed, or formatted for printing, with the notice "Released under % the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later" % instead of the usual distributed-under-the-GNU-GPL notice, and without % a copy of the GPL itself. % This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . % This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82). % % The final reference card has six columns, three on each side. % This file can be used to produce it in any of three ways: % 1 column per page % produces six separate pages, each of which needs to be reduced to 80%. % This gives the best resolution. % 2 columns per page % produces three already-reduced pages. % You will still need to cut and paste. % Which mode to use is controlled by setting \columnsperpage. % Translated into Polish language by W{\l}odek Bzyl (matwb@univ.gda.pl) % who also added new section on `Dired' and added info about Polish % support in Emacs to section `International Character Sets'. % This file uses macros and fonts defined in the mex format. % These macros and fonts are part of a current WEB2C % distribution of TeX, for example teTeX (unix) fpTeX (windows). % TeTeX comes with texconfig utility which could be used in % particular to generate formats. Just run it and follow instructions. % % Note that the original Emacs refcard.tex uses macros and fonts % defined in plain format. This file uses mex format which is % a Polish adaptation of plain. %**start of header \ifx\MeX\undefined \errmessage{This file requires `mex' format to be typeset correctly. See head of this file for the comments how to generate mex format} \endinput \else \prefixing \fi % This file can be printed with 1, or 2 columns per page. % Specify how many you want here. \newcount\columnsperpage \columnsperpage=2 % PDF output layout. 0 for A4, 1 for letter (US), a `l' is added for % a landscape layout. \input pdflayout.sty \pdflayout=(0) \input emacsver.tex % Nothing else needs to be changed. \def\shortcopyrightnotice{\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill \centerline{\small \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permissions on back.}} \def\copyrightnotice{ \vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small \centerline{Copyright \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.} \centerline{dla GNU Emacsa \versionemacs} \centerline{projekt Stephen Gildea} \centerline{t/lumaczenie W/lodek Bzyl} Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later. \TeX{} source for this card is distributed with Emacs in {\tt etc/refcards/} For copies of the GNU Emacs manual, see: {\tt http:////www.gnu.org//software//emacs//\#Manuals} \endgroup} % make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below % can be scanned without complaint. \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject\end} \newdimen\intercolumnskip %horizontal space between columns \newbox\columna %boxes to hold columns already built \newbox\columnb \def\ncolumns{\the\columnsperpage} \message{[\ncolumns\space column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]} \def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1} % This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea October 1986. % Note that the 1-column format is fontfamily-independent. \if 1\ncolumns %one-column format uses normal size \hsize 4in \vsize 10in % \voffset -.7in \font\titlefont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag3 \font\headingfont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag2 \font\smallfont=\fontname\sevenrm \font\smallsy=\fontname\sevensy \footline{\hss\folio} \def\makefootline{\baselineskip10pt\hsize6.5in\line{\the\footline}} \else %2 or 3 columns uses prereduced size \hsize 3.2in \vsize 7.95in % \hoffset -.75in % \voffset -.745in \font\titlefont=plbx10 \scaledmag2 \font\headingfont=plbx10 \scaledmag1 \font\smallfont=plr6 \font\smallsy=plsy6 \font\eightrm=plr8 \font\eightbf=plbx8 \font\eightit=plti8 \font\eighttt=pltt8 \font\eightmi=plmi8 \font\eightsy=plsy8 \textfont0=\eightrm \textfont1=\eightmi \textfont2=\eightsy \def\rm{\eightrm} \def\bf{\eightbf} \def\it{\eightit} \def\tt{\eighttt} \normalbaselineskip=.8\normalbaselineskip \normallineskip=.8\normallineskip \normallineskiplimit=.8\normallineskiplimit \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height6.5pt depth2.5pt width0pt} \normalbaselines\rm %make definitions take effect \if 2\ncolumns \let\maxcolumn=b \footline{\hss\rm\folio\hss} \def\makefootline{\vskip 2in \hsize=6.86in\line{\the\footline}} \else % \errhelp{You must set \columnsperpage equal to 1, 2, or 3.} % \errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page} \errhelp{\columnsperpage powinna by/c r/owna 1 albo 2.} \errmessage{Niedozwolona liczba kolumn na stronie.} \fi \intercolumnskip=.46in \def\abc{a} \output={% %see The TeXbook page 257 % This next line is useful when designing the layout. %\immediate\write16{Column \folio\abc\space starts with \firstmark} \if \maxcolumn\abc \multicolumnformat \global\def\abc{a} \else\if a\abc \global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b} %% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode) \global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{} \else \global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi} \def\multicolumnformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline \hbox{\box\columna\hskip\intercolumnskip \box\columnb\hskip\intercolumnskip\columnbox} \makefootline}\advancepageno} \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}} \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi \end} \fi % we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters % we might want to talk about \catcode`\^=12 \catcode`\_=12 \chardef\\=`\\ \chardef\{=`\{ \chardef\}=`\} %\hyphenation{mini-buf-fer} \parindent 0pt \parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex \def\small{\smallfont\textfont2=\smallsy\baselineskip=.8\baselineskip} % newcolumn - force a new column. Use sparingly, probably only for % the first column of a page, which should have a title anyway. \outer\def\newcolumn{\vfill\eject} % title - page title. Argument is title text. \outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex} % section - new major section. Argument is section name. \outer\def\section#1{\par\filbreak \vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}% \vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex} \newdimen\keyindent % beginindentedkeys...endindentedkeys - key definitions will be % indented, but running text, typically used as headings to group % definitions, will not. \def\beginindentedkeys{\keyindent=1em} \def\endindentedkeys{\keyindent=0em} \endindentedkeys % paralign - begin paragraph containing an alignment. % If an \halign is entered while in vertical mode, a parskip is never % inserted. Using \paralign instead of \halign solves this problem. \def\paralign{\vskip\parskip\halign} % \<...> - surrounds a variable name in a code example \def\<#1>{{\it #1\/}} % kbd - argument is characters typed literally. Like the Texinfo command. \def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null} %\null so not an abbrev even if period follows % beginexample...endexample - surrounds literal text, such a code example. % typeset in a typewriter font with line breaks preserved \def\beginexample{\par\leavevmode\begingroup \obeylines\obeyspaces\parskip0pt\tt} {\obeyspaces\global\let =\ } \def\endexample{\endgroup} % (WB) -- changed macros % key - definition of a key. % \key{description of key}{key-name} % prints the description left-justified, and the key-name in a \kbd % form near the right margin. %\def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop % {\hsize=.75\hsize\rightskip=1em % \hskip\keyindent\relax#1}\kbd{#2}\hfil}} \def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vbox {\hsize=.75\hsize\rightskip=1em \raggedright \hskip\keyindent\hangindent=1em\strut#1\strut\par}\kbd{\quad#2}\hss}} \newbox\metaxbox \setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }} \newdimen\metaxwidth \metaxwidth=\wd\metaxbox % metax - definition of a M-x command. % \metax{description of command}{M-x command-name} % Tries to justify the beginning of the command name at the same place % as \key starts the key name. (The "M-x " sticks out to the left.) %\def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize % {\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil}% % \hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil % \kbd{#2}\hfil}} \def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vbox {\hsize=.74\hsize\rightskip=1em \raggedright \hskip\keyindent\hangindent=1em\strut#1\strut\par}% \hskip-\metaxwidth minus 1fil \kbd{#2}\hss}} % threecol - like "key" but with two key names. % for example, one for doing the action backward, and one for forward. %\def\threecol#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil&\kbd{#2}\hfil\quad % &\kbd{#3}\hfill\quad\cr} \def\threecol#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil&\kbd{#2}\hfil\quad &\kbd{#3}\hfill\cr} \def\threecolheader#1#2#3{\threecol#1#2#3\noalign{\smallskip}} % (WB) -- new macros \newdimen\raggedstretch \newskip\raggedparfill \raggedparfill=0pt plus 1fil \def\nohyphens {\hyphenpenalty10000\exhyphenpenalty10000\pretolerance10000} \def\raggedspaces {\spaceskip=0.3333em\relax \xspaceskip=0.5em\relax} \def\raggedright {\raggedstretch=6em \nohyphens \rightskip=0pt plus \raggedstretch \raggedspaces \parfillskip=\raggedparfill \relax} \def\newline{\hfil\break} \hfuzz=3pt %**end of header %\title{GNU Emacs Reference Card} \title{Przegl/ad polece/n GNU Emacsa} \centerline{(dla wersji \versionemacs)} \section{Uruchamianie Emacsa} %To enter GNU Emacs 20, just type its name: \kbd{emacs} Aby uruchomi/c GNU Emacsa \versionemacs, napisz jego nazw/e: \kbd{emacs} %To read in a file to edit, see Files, below. Aby wczyta/c plik do edycji, patrz rozdzia/l {\bf Pliki} poni/zej. \section{Opuszczanie Emacsa} %\key{suspend Emacs (or iconify it under X)}{C-z} \key{tymczasowe zatrzymanie Emacsa}{C-z} %\key{exit Emacs permanently}{C-x C-c} \key{zako/nczenie sesji z Emacsem}{C-x C-c} \section{Pliki} \key{{\bf wczytaj} plik do Emacsa}{C-x C-f} \key{{\bf zapisz} plik na dysk}{C-x C-s} \key{zapisz {\bf wszystkie} pliki}{C-x s} \key{{\bf wstaw} zawarto/s/c innego pliku do bufora}{C-x i} %\key{replace this file with the file you really want}{C-x C-v} \key{zamie/n plik w buforze na inny}{C-x C-v} %\key{write buffer to a specified file}{C-x C-w} \key{zapisz bufor do pliku z podaniem nazwy}{C-x C-w} %\key{version control checkin//checkout}{C-x C-q} \key{kontrola wersji pliku `checkin//checkout'}{C-x C-q} %\section{Getting Help} \section{Uzyskiwanie pomocy} %The help system is simple. Type \kbd{C-h} (or \kbd{F1}) and follow %the directions. If you are a first-time user, type \kbd{C-h t} for a %{\bf tutorial}. Napisz \kbd{C-h} (lub \kbd{F1}) i post/epuj wed/lug dalszych instrukcji. Je/sli jeste/s pocz/atkuj/acym u/zytkownikiem, napisz \kbd{C-u C-h t Polish} aby wywo/la/c {\bf samouczek} Emacsa po polsku. %\key{remove help window}{C-x 1} %\key{scroll help window}{C-M-v} \key{usu/n okno pomocy}{C-x 1} \key{przewi/n okno pomocy}{C-M-v} %\key{apropos: show commands matching a string}{C-h a} %\key{show the function a key runs}{C-h c} %\key{describe a function}{C-h f} %\key{get mode-specific information}{C-h m} \key{apropos: poka/z polecenia zgodne z napisem}{C-h a} \key{poka/z funkcj/e uruchamian/a przez klawisz}{C-h c} \key{opisz funkcj/e}{C-h f} \key{poka/z informacj/e odnosz/ac/a si/e do trybu}{C-h m} %\section{Error Recovery} %\section{Powr/ot do sytuacji wyj/sciowej w przypadku b/l/ed/ow} \section{Usuwanie b/l/ed/ow} %\key{{\bf abort} partially typed or executing command}{C-g} %\metax{{\bf recover} a file lost by a system crash}{M-x recover-file} %\key{{\bf undo} an unwanted change}{C-x u {\rm or} C-_} %\metax{restore a buffer to its original contents}{M-x revert-buffer} %\key{redraw garbaged screen}{C-l} \key{{\bf przerwij} cz/e/sciowo napisane lub\newline wykonywane polecenie}{C-g} \metax{{\bf odzyskaj} plik zgubiony w wyniku\newline za/lamania systemu} {M-x recover-file} \key{{\bf anuluj} niechcian/a zmian/e}{C-x u {\rm lub} C-_} \metax{wczytaj plik wg aktualnej zawarto/sci na dysku}{M-x revert-buffer} \key{uporz/adkuj za/smiecony ekran}{C-l} \shortcopyrightnotice %\section{Incremental Search} \section{Szukanie przyrostowe} %\key{search forward}{C-s} %\key{search backward}{C-r} %\key{regular expression search}{C-M-s} %\key{reverse regular expression search}{C-M-r} \key{szukaj wprz/od//wstecz ({\tt C-f} aby zako/nczy/c)}{C-s//C-r} \key{szukaj wprz/od tekstu zgodnego z~wpisywanym wyra/zeniem regularnym}{C-M-s} \key{szukaj wstecz tekstu zgodnego z~wpisywanym wyra/zeniem regularnym}{C-M-r} %\key{select previous search string}{M-p} %\key{select next later search string}{M-n} %\key{exit incremental search}{RET} %\key{undo effect of last character}{DEL} %\key{abort current search}{C-g} \key{wybierz poprzedni napis}{M-p} \key{wybierz nast/epny napis}{M-n} \key{zako/ncz szukanie przyrostowe}{RET} \key{anuluj rezultat ostatniej poprawki}{DEL} \key{przerwij szukanie}{C-g} %Use \kbd{C-s} or \kbd{C-r} again to repeat the search in either direction. %If Emacs is still searching, \kbd{C-g} cancels only the part not done. Ponowne \kbd{C-s}//\kbd{C-r} powtarza szukanie wprz/od//wstecz. %If Emacs is still searching, \kbd{C-g} cancels only the part not done. % Patrz wyja/snienie powy/zej. \section{Przemieszczanie kursora} \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr %\threecol{{\bf entity to move over}}{{\bf backward}}{{\bf forward}} %\threecol{character}{C-b}{C-f} %\threecol{word}{M-b}{M-f} %\threecol{line}{C-p}{C-n} %\threecol{go to line beginning (or end)}{C-a}{C-e} %\threecol{sentence}{M-a}{M-e} %\threecol{paragraph}{M-\{}{M-\}} %\threecol{page}{C-x [}{C-x ]} %\threecol{sexp}{C-M-b}{C-M-f} %\threecol{function}{C-M-a}{C-M-e} %\threecol{go to buffer beginning (or end)}{M-<}{M->} \threecolheader{{\bf przemie/s/c kursor}}{{\bf wstecz}}{{\bf wprz/od}} \threecol{o znak}{C-b}{C-f} \threecol{o s/lowo}{M-b}{M-f} \threecol{o lini/e wy/zej//ni/zej}{C-p}{C-n} \threecol{na pocz/atek//koniec linii}{C-a}{C-e} \threecol{o zdanie}{M-a}{M-e} \threecol{o akapit}{M-\{}{M-\}} \threecol{o stron/e}{C-x [}{C-x ]} \threecol{o s-wyra/zenie}{C-M-b}{C-M-f} \threecol{na pocz/atek//koniec funkcji}{C-M-a}{C-M-e} \threecol{na pocz/atek//koniec bufora}{M-<}{M->} } %\key{scroll to next screen}{C-v} %\key{scroll to previous screen}{M-v} %\key{scroll left}{C-x <} %\key{scroll right}{C-x >} %\key{scroll current line to center of screen}{C-u C-l} \key{przewi/n do nast/epnego ekranu}{C-v} \key{przewi/n do poprzedniego ekranu}{M-v} \key{przewi/n w lewo}{C-x <} \key{przewi/n w prawo}{C-x >} \key{umie/s/c lini/e z kursorem na /srodku ekranu}{C-u C-l} %\section{Killing and Deleting} \section{Kasowanie i usuwanie} \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr %\threecol{{\bf entity to kill}}{{\bf backward}}{{\bf forward}} %\threecol{character (delete, not kill)}{DEL}{C-d} %\threecol{word}{M-DEL}{M-d} %\threecol{line (to end of)}{M-0 C-k}{C-k} %\threecol{sentence}{C-x DEL}{M-k} %\threecol{sexp}{M-- C-M-k}{C-M-k} \threecolheader{{\bf obiekt do skasowania}}{{\bf wstecz}}{{\bf wprz/od}} \threecol{znak (usu/n, nie kasuj)}{DEL}{C-d} \threecol{s/lowo}{M-DEL}{M-d} \threecol{linia (od kursora do ko/nca)}{M-0 C-k}{C-k} \threecol{zdanie}{C-x DEL}{M-k} \threecol{s-wyra/zenie}{M-- C-M-k}{C-M-k} } %\key{kill {\bf region}}{C-w} %\key{copy region to kill ring}{M-w} %\key{kill through next occurrence of {\it char}}{M-z {\it char}} \key{kasuj obszar}{C-w} \key{wstaw obszar do `kill ring'}{M-w} \key{kasuj wszystko a/z do wyst/apienia {\it char}}{M-z {\it char}} %\key{yank back last thing killed}{C-y} %\key{replace last yank with previous kill}{M-y} \key{wstaw ostatnio skasowany obiekt}{C-y} \key{zamie/n wstawiony obiekt z uprzednio skasowanym}{M-y} %\section{Marking} \section{Zaznaczanie} %\key{set mark here}{C-@ {\rm or} C-SPC} %\key{exchange point and mark}{C-x C-x} \key{wstaw znacznik w pozycji kursora}{C-@ {\rm or} C-SPC} \key{zamie/n pozycje kursora i znacznika}{C-x C-x} %\key{set mark {\it arg\/} {\bf words} away}{M-@} %\key{mark {\bf paragraph}}{M-h} %\key{mark {\bf page}}{C-x C-p} %\key{mark {\bf sexp}}{C-M-@} %\key{mark {\bf function}}{C-M-h} %\key{mark entire {\bf buffer}}{C-x h} \key{zaznacz s/lowo po {\it arg\/} s/l/ow}{M-@} \key{zaznacz akapit}{M-h} \key{zaznacz stron/e}{C-x C-p} \key{zaznacz s-wyra/zenie}{C-M-@} \key{zaznacz funkcj/e}{C-M-h} \key{zaznacz ca/ly bufor}{C-x h} %\section{Query Replace} \section{Zamiana z zapytaniem} %\key{interactively replace a text string}{M-\%} %\metax{using regular expressions}{M-x query-replace-regexp} \key{zamiana tekstu w trybie interakcyjnym}{M-\%} \key{z u/zyciem wyra/ze/n regularnych}{C-M-\%} %Valid responses in query-replace mode are Odpowiedzi w interakcyjnym trybie zamiany: %\key{{\bf replace} this one, go on to next}{SPC} %\key{replace this one, don't move}{,} %\key{{\bf skip} to next without replacing}{DEL} %\key{replace all remaining matches}{!} %\key{{\bf back up} to the previous match}{^} %\key{{\bf exit} query-replace}{RET} %\key{enter recursive edit (\kbd{C-M-c} to exit)}{C-r} \key{{\bf zamie/n} i wyszukaj nast/epny tekst}{SPC} \key{zamie/n nie przemieszczaj/ac kursora}{,} \key{{\bf nie zamieniaj} i wyszukaj nast/epny tekst}{DEL} \key{wyszukaj i zamie/n wszystkie pozosta/le teksty}{!} \key{{\bf powr/o/c} do poprzedniej zamiany}{^} \key{{\bf zako/ncz} zamian/e interakcyjn/a}{RET} \key{wejd/x do trybu rekursywnej edycji (\kbd{C-M-c} aby zako/nczy/c)}{C-r} %\section{Multiple Windows} \section{Wiele okien} %When two commands are shown, the second is for ``other frame.'' Drugie z polece/n dotyczy ,,innej ramki'' %\key{delete all other windows}{C-x 1} \key{usu/n pozosta/le okna}{C-x 1} {\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 0\wd0 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr %\threecol{split window, above and below}{C-x 2\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 2} %\threecol{delete this window}{C-x 0\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 0} \threecol{podziel okno (jedno nad drugim)}{C-x 2\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 2} \threecol{usu/n okno}{C-x 0\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 0} }} %\key{split window, side by side}{C-x 3} \key{podziel okno (jedno obok drugiego)}{C-x 3} \key{przewijaj w innym oknie}{C-M-v} {\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 2\wd0 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr %\threecol{switch cursor to another window}{C-x o}{C-x 5 o} %\threecol{select buffer in other window}{C-x 4 b}{C-x 5 b} %\threecol{display buffer in other window}{C-x 4 C-o}{C-x 5 C-o} %\threecol{find file in other window}{C-x 4 f}{C-x 5 f} %\threecol{find file read-only in other window}{C-x 4 r}{C-x 5 r} %\threecol{run Dired in other window}{C-x 4 d}{C-x 5 d} %\threecol{find tag in other window}{C-x 4 .}{C-x 5 .} \threecol{przenie/s kursor do innego okna}{C-x o}{C-x 5 o} \threecol{wybierz bufor w innym oknie}{C-x 4 b}{C-x 5 b} \threecol{poka/z bufor w innym oknie}{C-x 4 C-o}{C-x 5 C-o} \threecol{znajd/x plik i poka/z go w innym oknie}{C-x 4 f}{C-x 5 f} \threecol{jak wy/zej, tylko w trybie do czytania}{C-x 4 r}{C-x 5 r} \threecol{uruchom `Dired' w innym oknie}{C-x 4 d}{C-x 5 d} \threecol{znajd/x definicj/e w innym oknie}{C-x 4 .}{C-x 5 .} }} %\key{grow window taller}{C-x ^} %\key{shrink window narrower}{C-x \{} %\key{grow window wider}{C-x \}} \key{powi/eksz okno w pionie}{C-x ^} \key{zmniejsz okno w poziomie}{C-x \{} \key{poszerz okno}{C-x \}} %\section{Formatting} \section{Formatowanie} %\key{indent current {\bf line} (mode-dependent)}{TAB} %\key{indent {\bf region} (mode-dependent)}{C-M-\\} %\key{indent {\bf sexp} (mode-dependent)}{C-M-q} %\key{indent region rigidly {\it arg\/} columns}{C-x TAB} \key{wetnij bie/z/ac/a {\bf lini/e} (zale/zne od trybu)}{TAB} \key{wetnij {\bf obszar} (zale/zne od trybu)}{C-M-\\} \key{wetnij {\bf s-wyra/zenie} (zale/zne od trybu)}{C-M-q} \key{wetnij obszar o {\it arg\/} kolumn}{C-x TAB} %\key{insert newline after point}{C-o} %\key{move rest of line vertically down}{C-M-o} %\key{delete blank lines around point}{C-x C-o} %\key{join line with previous (with arg, next)}{M-^} %\key{delete all white space around point}{M-\\} %\key{put exactly one space at point}{M-SPC} \key{wstaw now/a lini/e za kursorem}{C-o} \key{przesu/n cz/e/s/c linii za kursorem w d/o/l }{C-M-o} \key{usu/n puste linie wok/o/l kursora}{C-x C-o} \key{po/l/acz lini/e z poprzedni/a (z {\it arg\/} -- z nast/epn/a)}{M-^} \key{usu/n odst/epy dooko/la kursora}{M-\\} \key{pozostaw dok/ladnie jedn/a spacj/e w pozycji kursora}{M-SPC} %\key{fill paragraph}{M-q} %\key{set fill column}{C-x f} %\key{set prefix each line starts with}{C-x .} \key{wype/lnij akapit}{M-q} \key{ustaw numer kolumny dla trybu wype/lniania}{C-x f} \key{ustaw przedrostek dla ka/zdego nowego wiersza}{C-x .} %\key{set face}{M-g} \key{ustaw czcionk/e}{M-g} %\section{Case Change} \section{Zamiana wielko/sci liter} %\key{uppercase word}{M-u} %\key{lowercase word}{M-l} %\key{capitalize word}{M-c} \key{zamie/n w s/lowie litery ma/le na du/ze}{M-u} \key{zamie/n w s/lowie litery du/ze na ma/le}{M-l} \key{zamie/n pierwsz/a liter/e w s/lowie na du/z/a}{M-c} %\key{uppercase region}{C-x C-u} %\key{lowercase region}{C-x C-l} \key{zamie/n w obszarze litery ma/le na du/ze}{C-x C-u} \key{zamie/n w obszarze litery du/ze na ma/le}{C-x C-l} %\section{The Minibuffer} \section{Minibufor} %The following keys are defined in the minibuffer. % Inne te/z s/a maj/a przypisane funkcje.. %\key{complete as much as possible}{TAB} %\key{complete up to one word}{SPC} %\key{complete and execute}{RET} %\key{show possible completions}{?} %\key{fetch previous minibuffer input}{M-p} %\key{fetch later minibuffer input or default}{M-n} %\key{regexp search backward through history}{M-r} %\key{regexp search forward through history}{M-s} %\key{abort command}{C-g} \key{uzupe/lnij tekst o tyle o ile jest to mo/zliwe}{TAB} \key{uzupe/lnij o jedno s/lowo}{SPC} \key{uzupe/lnij i wykonaj}{RET} \key{poka/z mo/zliwe uzupe/lnienia}{?} \key{przywo/laj uprzednio wprowadzony tekst do minibufora}{M-p} \key{przywo/laj nast/epny tekst z~`kill ring' do minibufora}{M-n} \key{wyszukuj wstecz poprzez histori/e wprowadze/n}{M-r} \key{wyszukuj wprz/od poprzez histori/e wprowadze/n}{M-s} \key{przerwij wykonywane polecenie}{C-g} %Type \kbd{C-x ESC ESC} to edit and repeat the last command that used the %minibuffer. Type \kbd{F10} to activate the menu bar using the minibuffer. Napisz \kbd{C-x ESC ESC} aby poprawia/c i wykona/c polecenie, kt/ore ostatnio u/zywa/lo minibufora. Napisz \kbd{F10} aby uaktywni/c menu w minibuforze. \newcolumn %\title{GNU Emacs Reference Card} \title{Przegl/ad polece/n GNU Emacsa} \section{Bufory} %\key{select another buffer}{C-x b} %\key{list all buffers}{C-x C-b} %\key{kill a buffer}{C-x k} \key{wybierz inny bufor}{C-x b} \key{poka/z spis wszystkich bufor/ow}{C-x C-b} \key{skasuj bufor}{C-x k} %\section{Transposing} \section{Przestawianie} %\key{transpose {\bf characters}}{C-t} %\key{transpose {\bf words}}{M-t} %\key{transpose {\bf lines}}{C-x C-t} %\key{transpose {\bf sexps}}{C-M-t} \key{przestaw {\bf znaki}}{C-t} \key{przestaw {\bf s/lowa}}{M-t} \key{przestaw {\bf linie}}{C-x C-t} \key{przestaw {\bf s-wyra/zenia}}{C-M-t} % Removed -- there is no Polish disctionary for ispell. %\section{Spelling Check} % %\key{check spelling of current word}{M-\$} %\metax{check spelling of all words in region}{M-x ispell-region} %\metax{check spelling of entire buffer}{M-x ispell-buffer} %\section{Tags} \section{Tags} %\key{find a tag (a definition)}{M-.} %\key{find next occurrence of tag}{C-u M-.} %\metax{specify a new tags file}{M-x visit-tags-table} \key{znajd/x okre/slenie (definicj/e)}{M-.} \key{znajd/x nast/epne wyst/apienie definicji}{C-u M-.} \metax{podaj nowy plik TAGS}{M-x visit-tags-table} %\metax{regexp search on all files in tags table}{M-x tags-search} %\metax{run query-replace on all the files}{M-x tags-query-replace} %\key{continue last tags search or query-replace}{M-,} \metax{wyszukiwanie tekstu zgodnego z~podanym wyra/zeniem regularnym we wszystkich plikach wymienionych w~TAGS}{M-x tags-search} \metax{zamiana z zapytaniem we wszystkich\newline plikach wymienionych w~TAGS}{M-x tags-query-replace} \key{kontynuuj wyszukiwanie lub zamian/e z~zapytaniem w~plikach wymienionych w~TAGS}{M-,} %\section{Shells} \section{Pow/loki} %\key{execute a shell command}{M-!} %\key{run a shell command on the region}{M-|} %\key{filter region through a shell command}{C-u M-|} %\key{start a shell in window \kbd{*shell*}}{M-x shell} \key{wykonaj polecenie pow/loki}{M-!} \key{wykonaj polecenie pow/loki na obszarze}{M-|} \key{filtruj obszar poprzez polecenie pow/loki}{C-u M-|} \key{uruchom pow/lok/e w oknie \kbd{*shell*}}{M-x shell} %\section{Rectangles} \section{Prostok/aty} %\key{copy rectangle to register}{C-x r r} %\key{kill rectangle}{C-x r k} %\key{yank rectangle}{C-x r y} %\key{open rectangle, shifting text right}{C-x r o} %\key{blank out rectangle}{C-x r c} %\key{prefix each line with a string}{C-x r t} \key{zapisz prostok/at do rejestru}{C-x r r} \key{skasuj prostok/at}{C-x r k} \key{wklej prostok/at}{C-x r y} \key{wstaw pusty prostok/at przesuwaj/ac\newline tekst w~prawo}{C-x r o} \key{wyczy/s/c prostok/at}{C-x r c} \key{wstaw napis na pocz/atku ka/zdej linii}{C-x r t} %\section{Abbrevs} \section{Skr/oty} %\key{add global abbrev}{C-x a g} %\key{add mode-local abbrev}{C-x a l} %\key{add global expansion for this abbrev}{C-x a i g} %\key{add mode-local expansion for this abbrev}{C-x a i l} %\key{explicitly expand abbrev}{C-x a e} \key{dodaj skr/ot globalnie}{C-x a g} \key{dodaj skr/ot lokalny dla trybu}{C-x a l} \key{dodaj rozwini/ecie globalne dla skr/otu}{C-x a i g} \key{dodaj rozwini/ecie lokalne dla trybu dla skr/otu}{C-x a i l} \key{rozwi/n teraz skr/ot}{C-x a e} %\key{expand previous word dynamically}{M-//} \key{uzupe/lnij dynamicznie poprzednie s/lowo}{M-//} %\section{Regular Expressions} \section{Wyra/zenia regularne} %\key{any single character except a newline}{. {\rm(dot)}} %\key{zero or more repeats}{*} %\key{one or more repeats}{+} %\key{zero or one repeat}{?} %\key{quote regular expression special character {\it c\/}}{\\{\it c}} %\key{alternative (``or'')}{\\|} %\key{grouping}{\\( {\rm$\ldots$} \\)} %\key{same text as {\it n\/}th group}{\\{\it n}} %\key{at word break}{\\b} %\key{not at word break}{\\B} \key{dowolny znak za wyj/atkiem znaku nowej linii}{. {\rm(kropka)}} \key{zero lub wi/ecej powt/orze/n}{*} \key{jedno lub wi/ecej powt/orze/n}{+} \key{zero lub jedno powt/orzenie}{?} \key{traktuj dos/lownie nast/epny znak (nawet je/sli znak ma specjalne znaczenie) {\it c\/}}{\\{\it c}} \key{alternatywa (`lub')}{\\|} \key{grupowanie}{\\( {\rm$\ldots$} \\)} \key{tekst n-tej grupy}{\\{\it n}} \key{na pocz/atku lub ko/ncu s/lowa}{\\b} \key{nie na pocz/atku i nie na ko/ncu s/lowa}{\\B} \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr %\threecol{{\bf entity}}{{\bf match start}}{{\bf match end}} %\threecol{line}{^}{\$} %\threecol{word}{\\<}{\\>} %\threecol{buffer}{\\`}{\\'} \threecolheader{{\bf obiekt do por/ownania}}{{\bf pocz/atek}}{{\bf koniec}} \threecol{linia}{^}{\$} \threecol{s/lowo}{\\<}{\\>} \threecol{bufor}{\\`}{\\'}} %\threecol{{\bf class of characters}}{{\bf match these}}{{\bf match others}} %\threecol{explicit set}{[ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}{[^ {\rm$\ldots$} ]} %\threecol{word-syntax character}{\\w}{\\W} %\threecol{character with syntax {\it c}}{\\s{\it c}}{\\S{\it c}} \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr \threecolheader{{\bf kategoria znak/ow}}{{\bf por/ownaj z}} {{\bf \hbox to 0pt{pozosta/lymi\hss}}} \threecol{podany zbi/or znak/ow}{[ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}{[^ {\rm$\ldots$} ]} \threecol{znak kategorii sk/ladniowej `s/lowo'}{\\w}{\\W} \threecol{znak kategorii sk/ladniowej {\it c}}{\\s{\it c}}{\\S{\it c}} } %\section{International Character Sets} \section{Mi/edzynarodowe zestawy znak/ow} %\metax{specify principal language}{M-x set-language-environment} %\metax{show all input methods}{M-x list-input-methods} %\key{enable or disable input method}{C-\\} %\key{set coding system for next command}{C-x RET c} %\metax{show all coding systems}{M-x list-coding-systems} %\metax{choose preferred coding system}{M-x prefer-coding-system} \metax{ustal g/l/owny j/ezyk}{M-x set-language-environment} \metax{wypisz wszystkie metody wprowadzania znak/ow}{M-x list-input-methods} \key{w/l/acz//wy/l/acz metod/e wprowadzania znak/ow}{C-\\} \key{ustal system kodowania dla nast/epnego polecenia}{C-x RET c} \metax{wypisz wszystkie systemy kodowania}{M-x list-coding-systems} \metax{wybierz preferowany system\newline kodowania}{M-x prefer-coding-system} \metax{wybierz metod/e wprowadzania znak/ow}{C-x RET C-\\} Po wybraniu metody wprowadzania znak/ow {\tt polish-slash},\newline ka/zd/a z~liter {\tt /a/c/e/l/n/o/s/x/z//} uzyskamy pisz/ac ciach `{\tt //}' i~odpowiedni znak z~{\tt acelnosxz//}. %\section{Registers} \section{Rejestry} %\key{save region in register}{C-x r s} %\key{insert register contents into buffer}{C-x r i} \key{zapisz obszar do rejestru}{C-x r s} \key{wstaw zawarto/s/c rejestru do bufora}{C-x r i} %\key{save value of point in register}{C-x r SPC} %\key{jump to point saved in register}{C-x r j} \key{zapisz pozycj/e kursora w~rejestrze}{C-x r SPC} \key{przemie/s/c kursor do pozycji zapisanej w~rejestrze}{C-x r j} %\section{Keyboard Macros} \section{Makropolecenia} %\key{{\bf start} defining a keyboard macro}{C-x (} %\key{{\bf end} keyboard macro definition}{C-x )} %\key{{\bf execute} last-defined keyboard macro}{C-x e} %\key{append to last keyboard macro}{C-u C-x (} %\metax{name last keyboard macro}{M-x name-last-kbd-macro} %\metax{insert Lisp definition in buffer}{M-x insert-kbd-macro} \key{{\bf zacznij} definicj/e makropolecenia}{C-x (} \key{{\bf zako/ncz} definicj/e makropolecenia}{C-x )} \key{{\bf wykonaj} ostatnio zdefiniowane makropolecenie}{C-x e} \key{dopisz do definicji ostatniego makropolecenia}{C-u C-x (} \metax{nazwij ostatnie makropolecenie}{M-x name-last-kbd-macro} \metax{wpisz do bufora nazwane\newline makro Lispowe}{M-x insert-kbd-macro} %\section{Info} \section{Info} %\key{enter the Info documentation reader}{C-h i} %\key{find specified function or variable in Info}{C-h S} \key{wejd/x w tryb czytania dokumentacji Info}{C-h i} \key{wyszukaj podan/a funkcj/e lub zmienn/a w Info}{C-h S} \beginindentedkeys %Moving within a node: Poruszanie si/e w obr/ebie w/ez/la Info: %\key{scroll forward}{SPC} %\key{scroll reverse}{DEL} %\key{beginning of node}{. {\rm (dot)}} \key{przegl/adaj do przodu}{SPC} \key{przegl/adaj do ty/lu}{DEL} \key{na pocz/atek w/ez/la}{. {\rm (kropka)}} %Moving between nodes: Poruszanie si/e pomi/edzy w/ez/lami: %\key{{\bf next} node}{n} %\key{{\bf previous} node}{p} %\key{move {\bf up}}{u} %\key{select menu item by name}{m} %\key{select {\it n\/}th menu item by number (1--9)}{{\it n}} %\key{follow cross reference (return with \kbd{l})}{f} %\key{return to last node you saw}{l} %\key{return to directory node}{d} %\key{go to any node by name}{g} \key{{\bf nast/epny} w/eze/l}{n} \key{{\bf poprzedni} w/eze/l}{p} \key{przenie/s si/e {\bf wy/zej}}{u} \key{wybierz pozycj/e z menu, podaj/ac jej nazw/e}{m} \key{wybierz n-t/a pozycj/e z menu podaj/ac liczb/e~(1-9)}{{\it n}} \key{sprawd/x odsy/lacz (powr/ot z \kbd{l})}{f} \key{powr/o/c do ostatnio przegl/adanego w/ez/la}{l} \key{powr/o/c do skorowidza}{d} \key{wybierz w/eze/l podaj/ac jego nazw/e}{g} %Other: Pozosta/le polecenia: %\key{run Info {\bf tutorial}}{h} %\key{{\bf quit} Info}{q} %\key{search nodes for regexp}{M-s} \key{wywo/laj {\bf samouczek} Info}{h} \key{wyszukaj zagadnienie w indeksach}{i} \key{wyszukuj w~w/ez/lach tekst zgodny\newline z~podanym wyra/zeniem regularnym}{s} \key{{\bf zako/ncz} Info}{q} \endindentedkeys %\section{Dired, the Directory Editor} \section{Dired -- edytor katalog/ow} \key{wywo/lanie edytora katalog/ow}{C-x d} \key{ustaw flag/e `D' (do usuni/ecia) na pliku}{d} \key{ustaw flag/e `D' na plikach zapasowych}{\~{}} \key{zdejmij flag/e `D' z pliku}{u} \key{usu/n pliki oznaczone flag/a `D'}{x} \key{uaktualnij zawarto/s/c bufora}{g} \key{wczytaj plik wskazywany przez kursor do bufora}{f} \key{prze/l/acz mi/edzy porz/adkiem alfabetycznym a~porz/adkiem wed/lug daty i~czasu powstania pliku}{s} \metax{wybierz z~bie/z/acego katalogu i~jego podkatalog/ow wszystkie pliki, kt/ore zawieraj/a tekst zgodny z~podanym wyra/zeniem regularnym} {M-x find-grep-dired} %\section{Commands Dealing with Emacs Lisp} \section{Polecenia dotycz/ace j/ezyka Emacs Lisp} %\key{eval {\bf sexp} before point}{C-x C-e} %\key{eval current {\bf defun}}{C-M-x} %\metax{eval {\bf region}}{M-x eval-region} %\key{read and eval minibuffer}{M-:} %\metax{load from standard system directory}{M-x load-library} \key{oblicz {\bf s-wyra/zenie} przed kursorem}{C-x C-e} \key{oblicz aktywn/a {\bf defun}}{C-M-x} \metax{oblicz s-wyra/zenia w {\bf obszarze}}{M-x eval-region} \key{wczytaj {\bf s-wyra/zenie} i oblicz je w~minibuforze}{M-:} \metax{wczytaj bibliotek/e z~katalogu\newline systemowego}{M-x load-library} %\section{Simple Customization} \section{Proste modyfikacje} %\metax{customize variables and faces}{M-x customize} \metax{modyfikowanie warto/sci zmiennych\newline i czcionek}{M-x customize} % The intended audience here is the person who wants to make simple % customizations and knows Lisp syntax. %Making global key bindings in Emacs Lisp (examples): Przyk/lady przypisania klawisza funkcji Emacs Lispu\newline z~wykorzystaniem notacji \kbd{"..."} i~notacji \kbd{[...]}: \beginexample% (global-set-key "\\C-cg" 'goto-line) (global-set-key "\\M-\#" 'query-replace-regexp) \smallskip (global-set-key [?\\C-c ?g] 'goto-line) (global-set-key [?\\M-\#] 'query-replace-regexp) \endexample %\section{Writing Commands} \section{Tworzenie nowych polece/n} \beginexample% (defun \ (\) "\" (interactive "\") \) \endexample %An example: Przyk/lad: \beginexample% (defun this-line-to-top-of-window (line) % "Reposition line point is on to top of window. %With ARG, put point on line ARG." "Przewi/n lini/e z kursorem do pierwszej linii okna. Z ARG, przewi/n do linii ARG." (interactive "P") (recenter (if (null line) 0 (prefix-numeric-value line)))) \endexample %The \kbd{interactive} spec says how to read arguments interactively. %Type \kbd{C-h f interactive} for more details. W funkcji \kbd{interactive} {\it wzorzec\/} opisuje, jak b/ed/a czytane argumenty w trybie interakcyjnym. Szczeg/o/lowy opis uzyskasz przez wywo/lanie \kbd{C-h f interactive}. \copyrightnotice \bye % Local variables: % compile-command: "pdftex pl-refcard" % End: