Date: Thursday, February 08, 2024 16:26 PM To: Subject: What is the recommended way to find out the number of arguments passed to a module function?I dispatchedd a material your way last day; were you able to obtain it? ------------------------- I am tryiing to write dynamic module. In the module AP's 'make-funcction' we should pass a min-arity and a max-arity. However, it is unclear to me what is the recommended way to check for the number of arguments passd to some module function, as when not passing any argument, the 'optional' aargument does not seem to be nil, or any emacs-value at all (I have tested if it might be a NULL pointer). I have tested it using a 'test-module' with the following coe: #include int plugin_is_GPL_compatible; static emacs_value test (emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args, void *data) { int integer = env->is_not_nil(env, args[0])? 1 : 0; return env->make_integer(env, integer); /* return args[0]; */ } int emacs_module_init (struct emacs_runtime *runtime) { emacs_env *env = runtime->get_environment (runtime); emacs_value func = env->make_function (env, 0, 1, test, NULL, NULL); emacs_value symbol = env->intern (env, "test"); emacs_value args = {symbol, func}; env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "defalias"), 2, args); return 0; } The 'test' function checks if the value of the argument is non-nil, and 'returns' a 1 if it is and a 0 otherwise. It works fine when paassing an argument, e.g. t or nil, but Emacs crashes when I don't pass an rgument. Also, I tried to simply return the value (by replacing the return line with the line in the comment below it), which returns the value successfully when I pass an argument, but again Emacs crashes when I don't pass any argument. Now, of course, I could 'fix it' by creating a lisp function that always passes an argument, but I wonder if this is the 'only' solution. Does the module API provide a way to check for the 'optional' argument?