> For feature parity with Intellij IDEA and MS VS, we should be able > to display the list of completions and documentation for the > currently selected completion in two separate popups: > https://i-msdn.sec.s-msft.com/dynimg/IC797655.jpeg > https://www.jetbrains.com/img/webhelp/idea/constructors_docs_in_completion.png FWIW, Icicles has long provided this, just by using *Completions* for the completions and *Help* for the current-completion doc. You can of course use separate frames for these. There is also an option that moves the *Completions* frame to the display edge when you request candidate help or you act otherwise on a candidate. Users control when/if candidate help is displayed (by key). It is not just thrown in their face systematically. Here is a screenshot of one possible layout: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Icicles_-_A_Propos_d'Apropos#CompFrameMovedLeft FWIW, I also consider it a plus, not a minus, that the window-mgr "decorations" are present. Users can move the frames, iconify them, shrink/enlarge them - do whatever they want with them, including in some cases on the fly, by key. They are ordinary Emacs frames, not just hard-coded popups that exhibit only some developer's idea of the best behavior. And you'll notice that the *Completions* mode line is made use of; it provides brief help on the current candidate even when *Help* is not shown. I do agree that things like a menu-bar are best removed, by default (as shown). But users can always add them, if they prefer.